About the Program

The Professional Mentorship Program at UVU empowers students by connecting them with industry professionals, strengthening the link between academic learning and professional success. Through flexible, meaningful mentorship and monthly in-person meetings, the program builds confidence, fosters career readiness, and enriches both mentors and mentees


Benefits: Connect and learn from experienced professionals while tailoring discussions to your goals, focusing on strategies to achieve personal and professional success.

Get personalized advice about:

  • How to improve skills.
  • Work-Life balance
  • Networking and Interviews
  • Career Advice
  • Post Graduate School Advice
  • And More!

Eligibility: Sophomore students through Graduate/ MBA students, who have two or more semester of classes remaining are eligible to participate. All majors are welcome to apply.

How It Works

Students have two opportunities to be matched

  • Apply in the late spring (March) to be matched in September
  • Apply in the late fall (October) to me matched in January

Students will need to submit their application to be added into the application pool.

Student FAQs

  • What is the time commitment for this program?
    • Students will meet with their mentor for one hour each month for at least 1 year.
  • What are the expectations for this program?
    • Students are responsible for maintaining communication throughout the mentorship. During the meeting, students are expected to arrive to their meeting prepared with an agenda and topics to discuss.
  • Do I need to meet with my mentor in person?
    • No, you can meet with your mentor virtually or in-person.
  • How are mentors and students matched?
    • Mentors and students both complete an application that asks a variety of interests and preference questions. Based on those answers is how we match students and mentors.
  • Where are mentors located?
    • Most mentors are located within Utah County, with some located in Salt Lake City.


Inspire UVU students by sharing your industry expertise, shaping the next generation of professionals, expanding your network, and making a lasting impact on a student’s career journey.

Eligibility: Professionals that have experience as an industry professional for at least 3 years.


  • Provide guidance and support to student mentees by sharing expertise, fostering professional growth, and building their networks.
  • Communicate and meet with your student mentee at least once month.
  • Work with your student mentee to establish specific goals and objectives for the academic year.
  • Complete surveys to help measure success outcomes.

How It Works

  • Mentors will submit the sign-up form to be added into the mentor matching pool.
  • Students will be matched with mentors at the beginning of the Fall semester (September) and the beginning of the Spring Semester (January).
  • Students and Mentors will meet at least once a month for an hour.

Mentor FAQs

  • What is the time commitment?
    • Mentors and students will meet with their mentor for one hour each month for the duration of the mentorship.
  • I did not graduate from UVU. Can I still be a mentor?
    • Yes, we have a variety of mentors that have graduated from different universities.
  • Am I required to meet my student mentee in person?
    • No, meetings with your student can be held in person or virtually.
  • How are mentors and students matched?
    • Mentors and students both complete an application that asks a variety of interests and preference questions. Based on those answers is how we match students and mentors.
  • What if I have a problem?
    • If there are any problems that need to be addressed during the program, please contact Maddy Cushman ()
  • What will the students ask me during our monthly meetings?
    • Some of the questions you may be asked during your meetings could include career advice, interview and networking guidance, how to improve technical skills, etc.
  • Who is responsible for setting up meetings?
    • Students are responsible for communication and will reach out to schedule the meetings.

If you have any questions about the program, please reach out to Maddy Cushman )

Participating Companies