Paul Ryan: Driving Growth and Stability in a Free Market

October 5, 2023

Paul Ryan on stage at UVU with a US Flag background

Thursday, October 5, 2023

11:30am - 12:30pm

Vallejo Auditorium, UVU Keller Building (KB)


LECTURE Livestream

LUNCHEON Livestream


In a joint Herbert Institute-Woodbury event, Paul Ryan, former U.S. House Speaker, guest lectures on the topic of fiscal responsibility and the American capitalist economy for the Halladay Exective Lecture Series.

Ryan's lecture includes his first public comments on the historical ousting of U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on October 3, 2023. 


Following the lecture, Speaker Paul Ryan and Governor Gary Herbert sat down at an intimate luncheon to continue the discussion.



  • Paul Ryan, Former U.S. House Speaker
  • Gary Herbert, 17th Governor of Utah