Dr. Arthur Laffer: Economist & Policy Advisor

March 22, 2022

Art Laffer speaking at Herbert Institute event

Wednesday, March 22, 2022

10:00am - 11:00am

UVU Keller Building (KB 401)



The Herbert Institute in partnership with the Woodbury School of Business and the Young America's Foundation heard a lecture from Dr. Arthur Laffer, renowned economist, and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient. The Father of Supply-side Economics. Dr. Laffer’s career has been marked by experience and success in business, in public policy, and as an academic economist and professor. A member of President Reagan’s Economic Policy Advisory Board, Dr. Laffer is a highly sought after lecturer and presenter.



  • Dr. Arthur Laffer, Economist & Policy Advisor to Presidents


  • UVU Chapter, YAF (Young American's For Freedom)
  • UVU Woodbury School of Business
  • UVU Herbert Institute