UVU UN-DPI Conference banner image


UVU | United Nations NGO Conference

This conference is for all Civil Society organizations in Utah and neighboring states with interest in learning best practices from the United Nations, Department of Public Information as well as current NGO´s and societies associated to the UN”. Presenters include: UVU President Astrid S. Tuminez, Mayor Jackie Biskupski, LDS Charities, Choice Humanitarian, Engaged Now Africa, Women of the World, Global Relief, Big Ocean Women, and more. They will provide an opportunity to understand the functionality, connectivity, and ways to partner between civil society organizations and the United Nations. The conference will be held in the Science Building, room SB 134. Lunch will be provided for those that pre-register.

This event will provide a venue for questions and answers and will address the upcoming United Nations Civil Society Conference (more info here) scheduled in Salt Lake City on August 28-30, 2019.  The United Nations Delegation includes: Mr. Jeff Brez - Chief, DPI NGO Section, United Nations, and Mr. Felipe Queipo - Information Officer, DPI NGO Section, United Nations. 

Location & Parking

The event will be held in the Science Building, room SB134.

Click here to see a map.


Pre-registration is required to attend the conference. Lunch will be provided. Adults $10, Students $5.

Click here to register

if you are interested in setting up a booth, please contact us at [email protected] number of spaces for booths are limited.


Salt Lake City Mayor announces Salt Lake City will host the 68th United Nations Civil Society Conferece in August 2019.