The Center for Constitutional Studies at Utah Valley University is a nonpartisan academic institute that promotes the instruction, study, and research of constitutionalism. It is preparing a new generation of citizens and leaders with a broad understanding of political thought critical to the perpetuation of constitutional government, ordered liberty, and the rule of law. Your gift will support important educational programs that help the center carry out its mission.
The center has hosted such prominent figures as:
The Center allows UVU to be a leader in the fields of constitutional studies, political thought, law, and civic leadership, and to provide educational, scholarly, and public outreach endeavors across the state, the nation, and the globe. Through its undergraduate mentoring and assistantships, students are able to better prepare themselves for graduate school, law school, and a variety of jobs in the public and private sectors.
Learn more about the Center for Constitutional Studies
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Every gift is meaningful and appreciated. You are welcome to make a donation of any size to support our students. If you'd like to create a legacy, please consider signing up for a monthly recurring gift that will have a lasting impact on future students and educators. Together, we uplift, provide exceptional care, and inspire students to be their very best.
For more information on ways to establish a legacy gift, such as through a will, bequest, trust, annuity, or IRA rollover, please visit
If you prefer to donate via check, please make checks payable to UVU Foundation and mail to the address below. Please list "Constitutional Studies" in the memo field.
UVU Foundation
800 W University Pkwy MS 111
Orem, UT 84058