Women in Business Impact Lab

Woodbury School of Business

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Thriving Futures for Women in Business

The Women in Business Impact Lab (WBIL) strives to create a society where women thrive in
business. The WBIL offers students, alumni, and industry partners impactful opportunities,
resources, and support. We provide aspiring professionals with valuable hands-on experience
through paid internships and assistantships. Our commitment extends to fostering connections
and empowerment through engaging events that unite students and business leaders. Through
diverse channels we foster meaningful conversations, education, and activities that help propel
women into leadership. The WBIL cultivates understanding, critical thinking, and problem-
solving by engaging students and organizations in research about women in the workplace.

Contribute to these transformative efforts! With your support, the WBIL can improve and expand
opportunities and services that help women thrive in business.


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Every gift is meaningful and appreciated. You are welcome to make a donation of any size to support our students. If you'd like to create a legacy, please consider signing up for a monthly recurring gift that will have a lasting impact on future students and educators. Together, we uplift, provide exceptional care, and inspire students to be their very best.

For more information on ways to establish a legacy gift, such as through a will, bequest, trust, annuity, or IRA rollover, please visit uvgift.org.

If you prefer to donate via check, please make checks payable to UVU Foundation and mail to the address below. Please list "Women in Business Impact Lab" in the memo field.

UVU Foundation
800 W University Pkwy MS 111
Orem, UT 84058

UVU employees are welcome to sign up for payroll deduction using the Employee Giving form.

Student Statements

profile picture of Keelin Reed

Keelin Reed '23

WBIL Assistant, Communication Major

"At WBIL, I’ve gained skills to navigate the professional world and be a successful woman in business. It goes beyond just interacting professionally. The experience has equipped me to elegantly address the challenges women encounter in the workplace. Instead of having a victim mentality in a world that can be discouraging, I’ve learned to navigate it with resilience, using challenges as fuel for achieving more than I ever thought possible. Ultimately, it’s instilled in me the importance of empowering the women around me, creating a supportive environment within business, just like the women I was able to work with did for me."

profile picture of Kylee Robbins

Kylee Robbins ’24

WBIL Marketing Intern, Marketing Major

“UVU's Women in Business Impact Lab has impacted me in so many ways! I was able to learn about some of the challenges that women face every day in the business world. From this experience, I feel empowered to make a difference as I make sure inclusion in the workplace is a priority for all. The networking opportunities associated with this experience were powerful. It was inspiring to engage with so many women who have made a difference in the companies they work for.”

profile picture of Gabrielle Spriggs

Gabrielle Spriggs ’24

WBIL Research Assistant, Business Management Major

“The impact that WBIL has had on me is immeasurable. My eyes have been opened through the research on a variety of topics pertaining to women in the business field. As an emerging businesswoman myself, this information has given me the upper hand for my future. And that is just the beginning. The greatest benefit from WBIL, without a doubt, is the people I have met and the connections I have been able to form. Being surrounded by these incredible women is empowering, and I am proud to now have them in my network. WBIL is amazing and has provided my life with empowerment, knowledge, and encouragement. I am grateful to be a part of it.”

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