Public health is the cornerstone of a thriving society, enhancing the quality of life and extending the longevity of populations worldwide. By championing disease prevention, promoting healthy lifestyles, and implementing policies that safeguard community health, public health not only reduces healthcare costs but also boosts productivity and ensures a brighter future for all.
If you are passionate about making a lasting difference in the health of entire communities, please consider supporting our Bachelor of Science in Public Health program at UVU!
Your donation empowers students with the skills and knowledge to excel in diverse roles within public health organizations. From health promotion and disease prevention to groundbreaking research and policy advocacy, these future leaders will drive innovation and effectiveness in the public health sector.
Our program offers a dynamic curriculum, including courses covering everything from epidemiology and community health promotion to environmental health policy, and global health--ensuring students are well-prepared to tackle the most pressing future challenges in public health.
With your support, we can continue to nurture and develop the next generation of public health professionals. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for public health experts is expected to rise significantly over the next decade, underscoring the urgent need for well-trained individuals to lead the fight against pandemics and other global health threats.
Your contribution will have a profound impact on the education and future careers of our students. Join us in shaping the future of public health. Please donate today and accept an active role in securing the health safety of our community.
“One of the best aspects of the Public Health Department at UVU is the dedication of my professors. They have provided opportunities that I might not have had elsewhere, showing genuine care for my individual growth.”
- Grace Miller, Public Health Graduate
Together, we can make a lasting difference. Thank you for your support!
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Every gift is meaningful and appreciated. You are welcome to make a donation of any size to support our students. If you'd like to create a legacy, please consider signing up for a monthly recurring gift that will have a lasting impact on future students and educators. Together, we uplift, provide exceptional care, and inspire students to be their very best.
For more information on ways to establish a legacy gift, such as through a will, bequest, trust, annuity, or IRA rollover, please visit
If you prefer to donate via check, please make checks payable to UVU Foundation and mail to the address below. Please list "Public Health" in the memo field.
UVU Foundation
800 W University Pkwy MS 111
Orem, UT 84058