About Us

What is a First-Generation College Student?

A first-generation college student is someone from a family where neither of their parents or guardians has a bachelor’s degree from the U.S. 41% of Wolverines are first-generation college students — are you one of them?

Our Mission

The First-Generation Student Success Center is dedicated to empowering first-generation college students during their academic journey. Through personalized mentoring, academic resources, and community-building initiatives, we aim to address the unique challenges faced by first-gen students and provide them with the connections and supports needed to thrive in their education, their career, and beyond.

Our Impact

41% of all UVU students are first-generation

$208,051 scholarships awarded for 2024-2025 academic year

65.47% first-gen students persist from fall to fall

34% of Spring 2024 graduates were first-gen

Our Staff

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Peer Mentors

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Contact Us

Contact the First-Gen Success Center

First-Generation Student Success Center