If you are considering withdrawing from the university, you are strongly encouraged to meet with a Financial Aid and Scholarships Counselor first to determine how your aid eligibility may be affected. You earn the financial aid you have been awarded as you attend classes during the semester.
If you have been awarded financial aid and begin attending classes but then change your enrollment or fail to attend class for the semester, the UVU Financial Aid and Scholarships Office is required to recalculate the financial aid you are eligible for based on your adjusted enrollment. Depending on when you withdraw, you may owe money back to UVU.
Federal Regulations require that a student’s eligibility for aid be recalculated whenever a student withdraws from the university, whether officially, unofficially, or if they receive no credit in a course (an NC grade).
Funds must be returned to the programs in the following order:
If an R2T4 calculation results in funds to be returned, UVU will repay all funds to the Department of Education, and you will owe a balance to UVU.
If you did not receive your federal aid prior to withdrawing, you may still be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement.
Student receives full Pell Grant and full sub/ unsub loans as a junior/senior- $6,848 in total aid received.
Student is a resident paying full time tuition of $2,910.
If the student withdraws three weeks into the semester, the amount of aid to be returned is $5,546 (approx. 19% of the semester completed). Because the student earned 19%, they can keep $1,302.
Student receives full Pell Grant and full sub/unsub loans as a junior/senior- $6,848 in total aid received.
Student is a resident paying full time tuition of $2,910.
If the student withdraws two months into the semester (approx. 48% of the semester completed), the amount of aid to be returned would be $3,560. Because the student earned 48%, they can keep $3,288.