There are few, if any, career milestones as important and career-altering as that
of tenure in academia. Here at UVU, we want to make sure that every deserving faculty
member receives tenure and is able to enjoy the benefits of that milestone.
Tenure is awarded when a faculty member demonstrates sustained, expected levels of teaching effectiveness, scholarly and creative endeavors, and service to the profession, the University, and the community, as set forth in the approved department tenure criteria and in accordance with all 600 series academic policies relevant to the faculty member’s position.
Tenure is awarded by the Board of Trustees based upon the recommendations of the RTP committee, department chair, dean, Provost, and the President of the University. The award of tenure includes rank advancement from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor.
Tenure Timeline
All tenure-track faculty must submit their portfolio for midterm review by September 15th (or earlier, if required by the department) of their third year to evaluate progress toward tenure and inform the decision of retention, except in cases when years were awarded toward tenure at the time of hire or the faculty member applied for and was granted a tenure clock stoppage or extension.
All tenure-track faculty must submit their portfolio and apply for tenure by September 15th (or earlier) of their sixth year as a tenure-track faculty member, except in cases when years were awarded toward tenure at the time of hire or the faculty member applied for and was granted a tenure clock stoppage or extension.
Requests for changes to the tenure clock (stoppage or extension) must be submitted to the department chair by March 15th.
If you are unsure of when you are scheduled to apply for midterm or tenure review, contact [email protected].
Planning for Tenure
According to Policy 637 § 5.5.2, “Within the first semester of hire in a tenure-track position, a new faculty member shall meet jointly with the department chair and the chair of the RTP committee to develop the expectations of the faculty member’s performance during the probationary period, consistent with established department tenure criteria. The expectations agreed upon constitute the candidate’s initial tenure plan. Such expectations shall be clear and reasonable, yet not overly prescriptive, allowing for a broad range of faculty achievement. The tenure plan shall be written; signed by the faculty member, department chair, and RTP committee chair; and a copy shall be placed in the faculty member’s official personnel file.”
The review process for tenure includes an annual review of the tenure plan and subsequent written feedback from the department chair. Comprehensive reviews shall occur at midterm in the probationary period and at the time of consideration for tenure in the final year of the probationary period.