Space Reassignment Procedure

Current Assignments

Reallocation of space assignments to departments, programs or individuals, changes in space utilization, alterations in the physical layout or appearance of space, alterations in room numbering, or changes in furnishings must be approved by the Executive Infrastructure and Planning Committee.

Space vacated as a result of a discontinued program is not available for internal reassignment and must be requested following the procedures for requesting additional space.

Each department will receive a Space Inventory report for their review prior to the annual submission of the Capital Facilities Inventory Report to the Utah System of Higher Education. Updates to space inventory data should be made on the report and returned to the department of Facilities Planning.

An on-site review of space will occur every year. A Space Planning representative will meet with each School/Department Dean or Director or their representative and visit each assigned room. The purpose of this review is to gain a better understanding of room use and utilization. Current utilization will be a factor when evaluating a request for additional space.

Requests for Additional Space

All requests for additional space should be made in writing to the department of Facilities Planning using the Space Request/Reassignment Form. Requests must be acknowledged and approved by the appropriate Department Head/Director and Dean's/VP's office prior to submission.

The Department of Facilities Planning will review each request before making a recommendation to the Executive Infrastructure and Planning Committee. Elements of the review may include:

Meetings with the requesting department to further define the need.
Evaluation of current utilization of requesting department space.
Comparison of projected space to current standards/guidelines.
Consultation with college design staff to determine suitability of available space.

Upon approval of the request by the Executive Infrastructure Planning Committee, a letter of assignment will be sent from the Department of Facilities Planning, confirming the assignment of space including the approved use and conditions for reassignment.

Space Request/Reassignment Form

Access and fill out the Space Request/Reassignment Form

Facilities Modification Procedure

Any modifications that require the purchasing of fixtures that are not part of the campus standard for the building, require permanent changes to structures, will affect other entities on or off campus, or require Facilities to modify a space, will need to go through Infrastructure Committee for approval. You may be referred to the Campus Image Committee if the Infrastructure Committee feels your request requires that body’s approval and/or input.

Facilities Modification Form

Access and fill out the Facilities Modification Form

2025 Deadline Schedule for Infrastructure Requests

Download the Deadline Schedule 2025

Utah Valley University
Facilities Department
800 West University Parkway
Orem, Utah 84058
Phone (801) 863-8322
In case of an emergency, dial 5555

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