2024 Student Ethics Symposium

2024 SES Schedule

2024 Student Ethics Symposium
Monday, April 1st, 2024 
UVU Clarke Building, Room 511

Artificial intelligence (AI) is among the most compelling and timely ethical challenges. This symposium features student research and engagement with AI from a variety of disciplines and perspectives. Questions addressed will include: What are the most compelling benefits of AI? How can unintended consequences of AI be avoided? How does AI affect the acquisition of information? What impact does AI have on employment and the economy? How might AI pose a danger to civil discourse? The symposium is free and open to the public, and we welcome lively and engaging conversation. 

For more information, contact Courtney Burns at [email protected].

Schedule of Events


Monday, April 1st


9:00 to
9:50 a.m.



Panel Discussion"Unfortunately, There’s an AI for That"
Ethical and Critical Dimensions of AI Use and Integration
Sienna Galvez Stephanie Jackson
Jessica Alsop Cole Driggs
Makayla Vest Jessica Craig





10:00 to
10:50 a.m.



Student Presentations"In the Likeness of a Human Mind "
Dave Loper, Philosophy Major

"AI in Healthcare"
Streamlining Billing and Coding with an Ethical Compass

Connor White, English Major





11:00 to
11:50 a.m.



Keynote Address 
"Hostile Epistemology"
AI Ethics in the New Gilded Age

Gabriel Toscano

Gabriel Toscano 
UVU Graduate in Philosophy and Integrated Studies
Gabriel is interested in multi-faceted, interdisciplinary projects at the intersection of technology, society, ethics, and policy. A graduate of Utah Valley University (Philosophy, Integrated Studies, and Software Development), Gabriel is working to bridge policymakers, technologists, and the public. As a technologist and academic, he is devoted to supporting public interest technologies and filling the gaps at the digital margins.



12:00 to
12:50 p.m.



Ethics Bowl
"The Last Invention"
Ethics Bowl Presentation

UVU Teams: 


Matthew Dickie Hash Brown Cade Alvey
Andrew Domyan Cellene Enai Kyle Grimes
Suzette Johnson Rowan Hadlock Jessi Ferrin
Leslie Larson Claire Montgomery Emilie Marcello
Sabrina Larson Alaina Sapp Nickolas Fryer
Austin Skousen Timberlyn Shaw Alison Vanderwel




1:00 to
1:50 p.m.



Center for the Study of Ethics"AI in Film"
A Panel Discussion 

McKay Brooks
Hash Brown
Cael Crosby
Cellene Einai
Joseph Holt
Leslie Larson

Brynn Bohlander


Sabrina Larson
Emilie Marcello
Claire Montgomery
Josue Paepke
Kelsi Parker
Calvin Suder



This panel discussion surrounds The Thirteenth Floor. The philosopher, Slavoj Žižek, called the film “much better than The Matrix.” The movie explores the question of what is real and what is illusion? The film is based on the book, Simulacron 3, by Daniel F. Galouye. A virtual-reality novel from a time before virtual reality, Simulacron-3 is a prophetic tale of a future where nothing is as it appears to be.


pizza will be served




6:00 to
7:30 p.m.



Panel Discussion
Center for the Study of Ethics 
Ethics Slam
An Interdisciplinary Student Discussion on AI 

Alaina Sapp, Student Fellow, Center for the Study of Ethics 

For more information, contact Courtney Burns at [email protected]