Ethics Awareness Week

EAW Global Schedule 2023

Schedule of Events


Thursday, September 21st


10:00 to
11:15 a.m.



Keynote Address
Center for the Study of Ethics
The Quest for
a Global Civil Society

Felipe Queipo

Communications Officer
United Nations Department of Global Communications


Felipe Queipo


Felipe Queipo began his United Nations career at the NGO Relations & Advocacy Section of the Department of Public Information (DPI) in 2008. He currently serves as the Communications Officer responsible for outreach, engagement and global communications with civil society within the recently renamed Department of Global Communications (DGC). 


Mr. Queipo is also the focal point for faith-based organizations within DGC. In this capacity, he leads the team that organizes the "Focus on Faith" briefings within the Department, an initiative that studies the links between faith traditions and religious organizations, and the work and mission of the United Nations. The Focus on Faith Series has explored, amongst other themes, the role that gender plays in religious institutions, the contribution of religious organizations in preventing violent extremism, as well as the efforts to address the refugee and migrants crises around the globe and the resettlement work of governments and faith-based civil society.

This lecture is sponsored in partnership with UVU's Office of Global Engagement.



2:30 to
4:00 p.m.



Keynote Address
Center for the Study of Ethics
Justice for Animals
Practical Progress through Philosophical Theory

Martha Nussbaum

Ernst Freund  Distinguished Service Professor
University of Chicago


Martha Nussbaum


Martha C. Nussbaum received her BA from NYU and her M.A. and Ph.D from Harvard University. She has taught at Harvard University, Brown University, and Oxford University. From 1986 to 1993, while teaching at Brown, Nussbaum was a research advisor at the World Institute for Development Economics Research, Helsinki, a part of the United Nations University. Nussbaum is the Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics, appointed in the Law School and Philosophy Department. She is an Associate in the Classics Department, the Divinity School, and the Political Science Department, a Member of the Committee on Southern Asian Studies, and a Board Member of the Human Rights Program.


Her books include Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education (1997); Sex and Social Justice (1998); Women and Human Development (2000); Liberty of Conscience: In Defense of America’s Tradition of Religious Equality (2008); From Disgust to Humanity: Sexual Orientation and Constitutional Law (2010); The New Religious Intolerance: Overcoming the Politics of Fear in an Anxious Age (2012); Her latest book, Justice for Animals: Our Collective Responsibility, appeared in January 2023, and she is currently working on a book about Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem. She has also edited twenty-one books and published over 500 articles.

This lecture is sponsored in partnership with UVU's Department of Philosophy & Humanities and College of Humanities & Social Sciences.

Livestream will not be available for this session



Tuesday, September 26th


10:00 to
11:15 a.m.



Panel Discussion
College of Engineering & Technology
Digital Media and Aviation EthicsEmily Hedrick
Assistant Professor of Digital Media, UVU

Dan Sutliff
Assistant Professor of Aviation Science, UVU

Moderator: Anne Arendt
Associate Dean, College of Engineering & Technology



11:30 a.m. to
12:30 p.m.



Scholar Discussion
Center for the Study of Ethics
Migrant Crossings

Annie Isabel Fukushima

Associate Professor, Ethnic Studies, School for Cultural & Social Transformation, University of Utah

Moderator: Ezgi Sertler
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, UVU



1:00 to
2:15 p.m.



Panel Discussion
Woodbury School of Business
Balancing Profitability & Ethics in a Global Business Environment

Silvia Clark
Assistant Professor of Organizational Leadership, UVU


Angela Schill

Assistant Professor of Organizational Leadership, UVU

Yang Huo
Professor of Organizational Leadership, UVU

Maureen Andrade

Professor of Organizational Leadership, UVU


Jonathan Westover
Professor and Chair of Organizational Leadership, UVU

Moderator: Jeff Peterson
Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership, UVU


Wednesday, September 27th


9:00 to
9:50 a.m.



Group Discussion
Center for the Study of Ethics
Religious Diversity
and Global Ethics

Discussion Moderator: Brian Birch
Director, Center for the Study of Ethics



10:00 to
10:50 a.m.



Panel Discussion
School of the Arts
Sensing the Connection Between Embodied Awareness and Ethics

Lehua Estrada
Director of Dance, Judge Memorial High School
Instructor, Department of Philosophy, UVU 


Natosha Washington
Director of Dance, West High School
Co-Chair, Equity & Inclusion Committee, Salt Lake City School District


Eileen Rojas

Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Dance Artist
Rojas Counseling and Consulting


Moderator: Nichole Ortega
Associate Professor of Dance, UVU


livestream will not be available for this session



11:00 to
11:50 a.m.



Panel Discussion
School of Education
Education in Global Settings

Krista Ruggles
Associate Professor and Chair, Elementary Education, UVU


Mike Patch
Associate Professor of Elementary Education, UVU


Trevor Warburton
Associate Professor of Secondary Education, UVU


Moderator: Bryan Waite
Director of Global/Intercultural Academic Programming
Chair, Department of Secondary & Special Education, UVU




12:00 to
12:50 p.m.



Student Workshop
School of Education
Putting the "I" in Global
An Applied Ethics Workshop

This workshop presents an opportunity to discuss your place in global issues and consider what that means for you and your community.


Hash Brown
Philosophy Major
Member, UVU Ethics Bowl Team


Claire Montgomery
Philosophy Major
Member, UVU Ethics Bowl Team




Luncheon for invited guests

Excellence in Ethics Award
Center for the Study of Ethics
Elaine E. Englehardt 
Distinguished Professor of Ethics
Utah Valley University

Elaine Englehardt


Elaine E. Englehardt is the Distinguished Professor of Ethics and a Professor of Philosophy at Utah Valley University. She has taught philosophy, ethics and communication classes at UVU for more than 40 years. She is in her second (three-year) term as President of the Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum and is the author of ten books and numerous peer reviewed articles. She has served in various administrative positions at UVU including Vice President, Dean and Director. Her PhD is from the University of Utah. She has written and directed seven multi-year, national grants. Four large grants are in Ethics Across the Curriculum from the Department of Education's FIPSE; and three are in Interdisciplinary Ethics from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Her first NEH grant funded the beginning of the Ethics and Values core interdisciplinary course at UVU. From this work, she is considered the founder of the Ethics Across the Curriculum movement.

She served on Utah's Judicial Conduct Commission for 8 years, Utah Humanities Council for 7 years and the Utah County Planning and Zoning Commission for 10 years. For 20 years Dr. Englehardt taught the Chanel 9 distance education television course "Ethics and Values" produced by UVU as well as numerous videos on a variety of topics in ethics. She has written and presented almost 200 papers and directed 8 grants.    



1:00 to
1:50 p.m.



Student Panel
Center for the Study of Ethics
Student Perspectives
on Global Ethics

Ana Ferreyro

Political Science major, UVU

David Castillo

Aviation major, UVU


Vincent Lee

Social Work major, UVU

Tala Alnasser
Public Relations & French major, BYU


Moderator: Alaina Sapp
Philosophy major & Ethics Student Fellow, UVU



Thursday, September 28th


10:00 to
11:15 a.m.



Panel Discussion
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Ethics Across Cultures

Maria Blevins
Associate Professor of Communication, UVU

David Scott
Professor of Communication, UVU

Meghana Rawat

Assistant Professor of Communication, UVU

Jessica Robinson

Assistant Professor of Communication, UVU

Moderator: Stevie Munz
Faculty Fellow, Center for the Study of Ethics



11:30 a.m. to
12:45 p.m.



Panel Discussion
College of Health & Public Service
Ethical Dimensions of Public HealthSarah Hall
Associate Professor & Chair, Department of Public Health, UVU

Lynley Murphy
Associate Professor of Public Health, UVU

Sean Sevy
Engineer, Northrup Grumman Corporation

Katy Jones
Associate Programs Director, Days for Girls 

Victoria Ekpoma
Assistant Professor of Nursing, UVU

Moderator: Cheryl Hanewicz
Dean, College of  Health & Public Service



1:00 to
2:15 p.m.



Panel Discussion
College of Science
Ethical Dimensions
of Climate Change

Hilary Hungerford
Associate Professor of Geography, UVU

Thomas Bretz
Environmental Ethics Fellow
Center for the Study of Ethics, UVU



2:30 to
3:45 p.m.



Panel Discussion
Center for the Study of Ethics
Ethical Issues in
Global/Intercultural Education

Janet Colvin
Associate Dean, UVU College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Co-Chair, Global/Intercultural Committee, UVU

Rasha Qudisat
Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer, UVU

Bryan Waite
Director of Global/Intercultural Academic Programming

Chair, Department of Secondary & Special Education, UVU


Friday, September 29th

2:00 to
4:00 p.m.



Panel Discussion
Peace & Justice Studies
Legacies of Colonialism
Ethical Issues
Lynn England
Director, Peace & Justice Studies Program, UVU

Jenna Nigro
Associate Professor of History, UVU

David Ssejinja
Coordinator, Multicultural Center, UVU

David Knowlton
Professor of Anthropology, UVU


6:00 to
8:00 p.m.



Student Activity
UVU Ethics Bowl Team
Ethics SlamAll are invited to participate in this event where students will respond to probing ethical questions related to our theme of "Ethics in Global Contexts." 


Kaitlyn Russell
Coach, UVU Ethics Bowl Team

Alex Zhou
President, Student Philosophy Association

Jeff Nielsen
Coach, UVU Ethics Bowl Team

For more information, contact Courtney Burns at [email protected]


Suggested Videos & Readings

Keynote Address
The Quest for a Global Civil Society
Selected Videos
Further Readings

Hans Kung, “Towards a Global Ethic"

Parliament of the World's Religions, Chicago, 1993





Keynote Address
Justice for Animals
Practical Progress through Philosophical Theory
Selected Videos
Further Readings

David Marchese, “Do Humans Owe Animals Equal Rights?"

Deborah Mower in A Crisis of Civility? : Political Discourse and its Discontents


Hope Reese, “What Does Justice for Animals Look Like?”

Greater Good Magazine, January 2023





Panel Discussion
College of Engineering & Technology
Digital Media and Aviation Ethics
Selected Videos
Further Readings

"Drones and Aerial Surveillance"

Gregory McNeil, Brookings Institution


"Addressing the Problem of Air Travel Emissions"

Kate Cooper, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics





Scholar Discussion
Center for the Study of Ethics
Migrant Crossings
Selected Videos
Further Readings

"Migrant Crossings: Witnessing Human Trafficking in the U.S."

Annie Isabel Fukashima, Stanford University Press, 2019


"The Ethics of Migrant Welfare"

 Hartley Dean, Ethics and Social Welfare 


"Eligible to Travel? Who Knows?"

Ezgi Sertler, March 28, 2022




Panel Discussion
Woodbury School of Business
Balancing Profitability & Ethics in a Global Business Environment
Selected Videos
Further Readings

"Microsoft, Amazon advance AI for Sustainability"

Heather Clancy, When and How to use AI


"Thoughts on the Future of Business Ethics"

 Journal of Business Ethics: Business Ethics Out of the Cave, Christopher Michaelson


"Three Reasons why Business Ethics is Important"

University of Redlands, Karisa Schroeder 




Group Discussion
Center for the Study of Ethics
Religious Diversity and Global Ethics
Selected Videos
Further Readings

Hans Kung, “Towards a Global Ethic"

Parliament of the World's Religions, Chicago, 1993











Student Workshop
School of Education
Putting the "I" in Global
An Applied Ethics Workshop
Selected Videos
Further Readings

Grow Global Podcast

NPR 2022-2023


"Multicultural education: How schools teach it and where educators say it falls short"

The Journalists Resource by Denise-Marie Ordway|




Student Panel
Center for the Study of Ethics
Student Perspectives on Global Ethics
Selected Videos
Further Readings

The Global Ethic

Parliment of the world religions 




Panel Discussion
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Communication Ethics Across Cultures
Selected Videos
Further Readings

"The Global Perspective to Intercultural Communication"

A Perspective and Commentary, 2016


"Communicating Across Cultures"

 Difficulties of Cross-Culture Communication and why it matters


"Cross-Culture Communication"

Cross-Culture communication outlined by examples of ideas, attitudes, and behaviors




Panel Discussion
College of Health & Public Service
Ethical Dimensions of Public Health
Selected Videos
Further Readings

"Ending White Saviorism in Study Abroad"

SageJournals. Kristjane Nordmeyer, Nicole Bedera, and Trisha Teig 





Panel Discussion
College of Science
Climate Change
Selected Videos
Further Readings

"Climate Change Impacts"

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association


"What Climate Change Means for Utah"

 United States Enviornmental Protection Agency


"This is how Climate Change Could Impact the Global Economy"

World Economic Forum, June 28, 2021 




Panel Discussion
Peace & Justice Studies
Legacies of Colonialism
Ethical Issues
Selected Videos
Further Readings

"The Real Morality of Public Discourse: Civility as an Orienting Attitude"

Deborah Mower in A Crisis of Civility? : Political Discourse and its Discontents


"Civility, Democracy, and Education"

 Thomas B. Fordham Institute, 2021


"The Concept of Civility in Modern Political Philosophy"

National Institute for Civil Discourse