2023 Religion, Culture & Diversity Symposium

Religious Diversity
& Democratic Culture

March 16 - 17
UVU Clarke Building - Rooms 510 & 511 (CB-510 & CB-511)

This symposium will explore issues at the intersection of ethics, religion, and American civic life. Scholars from a variety of disciplines will examine the role of religion in public life and how to productively engage our differences. Topics include race and religious identity; conflict transformation; law and religious education; and the role of religion in public life.  

The symposium is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Courtney Burns at [email protected]

Schedule of Events 

Thursday, March 16th

2:30 to
4:00 p.m.



Film Screening & Panel
"The Prayers of Both Could
Not Be Answered"
A film by  Danny Drysdale


Panel  Participants

Chris Stevenson

President, The National Museum of American Religion

Danny Drysdale
Writer and Director

Michael Goode 

Associate Professor of History, Utah Valley University

Kevin Wolfe 

Assistant Professor of Religion, Claremont Graduate University

session video


Friday, March 17th


9:00 to
9:50 a.m.



Student Panel Discussion
"Ethics, Religion, and the Law"

Moderated by
Alaina Sapp

Student Fellow, Center for the Study of Ethics

Christian Van Dyke

Ph.D. Program, Philosophy & Religious Thought
Claremont Graduate University

Samuel Hill

Research Assistant, Quill Project 
UVU Center for Constitutional Studies


10:00 to
10:50 a.m.



"Engaging Religious Conflict"
Lessons from the Field 

Charles Randall Paul

President, Foundation for Religious Diplomacy

Michael Goode 

Associate Professor of History, Utah Valley University


11:00 to
11:50 a.m.



Keynote Address
"Race and Religious Difference"

Kevin Wolfe

Assistant Professor of Religion
Claremont Graduate University


Kevin Wolfe



12:00 to
1:30 p.m.



Panel Discussion
"Carson v. Makin"
Religion, Education, and the Public Good
pizza will be served

Frederick Mark Gedicks

Guy Anderson Chair & Professor of Law
Brigham Young University

Eleesha Tucker 

Executive Director
Utah 3Rs Project

Robert Burton

Director, Civic Thought & Leadership Initiative
Utah Valley University

Moderated by Brian Birch, Director, UVU Center for the Study of Ethics

For more information, contact Courtney Burns at [email protected]



UVU Center for the Study of Ethics
   Religious Studies Program