2022 Ethics Awareness Week

Ethics, Education & Democracy

September 26th-30th, Clarke Building, Room 511

Schedule of Events


Monday, September 26th


12:00 to
12:50 p.m.



Keynote Address
Civility in Education
Cultivating Respectful Discourse

Deborah Mower

Deborah Mower

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Hume Bryant Associate Professor of Ethics
University of Mississippi

session video
          Suggested Readings


Tuesday, September 27th


10:00 to
11:15 a.m.



Panel Discussion
College of Engineering & Technology
The Ethics  of Online Testing
Pauli Alin, Assistant Professor of Technology Management
Seth Gurrell, Director, Teaching & Learning Design, UVU
Anne Arendt, Associate Professor of Technology Management


11:30 a.m. to
12:45 p.m.



Keynote Address
Center for the Study of Ethics
Educating for Democracy
Prospects and Challenges

Micheal Minch


Michael Minch

Founding Director, UVU Peace & Justice Studies Program

session video
          Suggested Readings


1:00 to
2:15 p.m.



Panel Discussion
Woodbury School of Business
Corporate Social Responsibility
What do Businesses Owe Society?
Silvia Clark, Assistant Professor of Organizational Leadership
Jeff Peterson, Associate Professor of Business Management
Dana Oaks, Professional in Residence, Woodbury School of Business
Jill Jasperson, Professor of Organizational Leadership
Jon Westover, Chair, Department of Organizational Leadership


2:30 to
4:00 p.m.



Film Screening and Panel
Center for the Study of Ethics
"This Divided State" 
Joseph Vogel, former Student Vice President for Academics, UVU
Philip Gordon, former Professor of Communication, UVU


Wednesday, September 28th


10:00 to
10:50 a.m.



Panel Discussion
School of the Arts
Embodied Perspectives 
Ethical Dance Pedagogy and Performance

Moderator: Monica Campbell, Chair, UVU Department of Dance

Lindsay Vader, Ohio State University Graduate Teaching Assistant

Jamie Johnson, Associate Professor of Dance, UVU

Christa St. John, Associate Professor of Dance, UVU

session video
         Suggested Readings


11:00 to
11:50 p.m.



Panel Discussion
School of Education
The Role of Education in Building Democratic Systems

Carrie Ashcraft, Assistant Professor of Secondary Education
Sean Crossland, Assistant Professor, Higher Education Leadership
Axel Ramirez, Professor of Secondary Education
Moderator, Bryan Waite, Chair, Department of Secondary Education

session video
         Suggested Readings


Luncheon for invited guests

Excellence in Ethics Award
Center for the Study of Ethics
Robert Austin
Humanities Team Coordinator
Utah State Board of Education

Robert Austin


Robert Austin


Robert Austin is the Humanities Team Coordinator in the Teaching and Learning Department of the Utah State Board of Education (USBE). In this role, he supports a diverse team of humanities specialists and serves as the secondary social studies specialist for Utah. As the social studies specialist, Austin supports the development of standards, the curation of curricular resources, and the implementation of USBE and legislative initiatives, including efforts to increase innovations in civics education. 

He has served as staff of the USBE since 2005, after having taught middle school in Salt Lake City School District for ten years.


Austin earned his B.A. from Cornell College in his birth state of Iowa, his M.A. at The Ohio State University, and his Secondary Education Credential at Eastern Michigan University.  A Utah resident for over 30 years, he’s been honored to serve a range of non-profits as a committee member or board member, including the Utah Bar’s Civics Education Committee, the Utah Council for Citizen Diplomacy, the Utah Pride Center, the Utah Council for the Social Studies, the Utah Commission on Civic and Character Education, the Utah Film Center, and the Council of State Social Studies Specialists, including a term as President. 


The Utah State Bar has honored him as Community Member of the Year, the Division of State History has honored him for his service to state history, and his three grandchildren honor him by calling him “Paw-paw.”          


1:00 to
1:50 p.m.



Panel Discussion
Center for Constitutional Studies
Carson v. Makin
Church, State, and Religious Education

Frederick Mark Gedicks

Guy Anderson Professor of Law, Brigham Young University

Eleesha Tucker

Director, Utah 3Rs Project 

Robert Burton

Director, UVU Civic Thought & Leadership Initiative

Moderator: Brian Birch, Director, Center for the Study of Ethics

session video
         Suggested Readings


2:00 to
2:50 p.m.



Student Panel
Center for the Study of Ethics
Women's Voices: The Classroom Experience

Alaina Sapp, Philosophy major & Ethics Student Fellow
Devin Robare, Computer Science major & Founder of Girls Who Code

Megan Hyer, Computer Science major, VP of Girls Who Code

Michelle Stone, Social Work major

Melissa Girot, English major & Philosophy minor

Moderator: Kaitlyn Russell, Admissions Counselor, UVU 

session video


Thursday, September 29th


10:00 to
11:15 a.m.



Panel Discussion
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Viewpoint Diversity on University Campuses
A Campus Conversation

Facilitiated by Brian Birch, Director, Center for the Study of Ethics

session video
         Suggested Readings


11:30 a.m. to
12:45 p.m.



Panel Discussion
Melisa Nellesen Center for Autism
Equitable Access to Higher Education
Perspectives from Students With Disabilities
Caleb Clegg
Aaron Lettman
Robert Rhien

Jane Carlson, Director, Melisa Nellesen Center for Autism
Laurie Bowen, Associate Director, Melisa Nellesen Center for Autism

session video


1:00 to
2:15 p.m.



Panel Discussion
College of Science
Science Education & the Public Good

Dan Fairbanks, Professor of Biology & University Research Officer
Hilary Hungerford, Associate Professor of Geography
Heath Ogden, Professor of Biology

session video
         Suggested Readings


2:30 to
3:45 p.m.



Panel Discussion
Center for the Study of Ethics
Ethical Dimensions of Academic Administration
Wayne Vaught, Provost & Professor of Philosophy 
Alexis Palmer, Associate Vice President & Dean of Students
Moderator: Brian Birch, Director, Center for the Study of Ethics


Friday, September 30th

2:00 to
4:00 p.m.



Video Screening & Panel Discussion
Center for the Study of Ethics
Religion, Race,
& Educating for Civil Society
Video Screening"Peril to Democracy:
Racism & Nationalism in America"

Anthea Butler
Chair, Department of Religious Studies
University of Pennsylvania
Panel Discussion
Lynn England
Director, UVU Peace & Justice Studies Program
Ezgi Sertler
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Utah Valley University 
Jay DeSart
Chair & Professor of Political Science
Utah Valley University

Brian Birch
Director, UVU Religious Studies Program


For more information, contact Courtney Burns at [email protected]


Suggested Videos & Readings



Keynote Address
Civility in Education
Cultivating Respectful Discourse
Selected Videos
Further Readings

"The Real Morality of Public Discourse: Civility as an Orienting Attitude"

Deborah Mower in A Crisis of Civility? : Political Discourse and its Discontents


"Civility, Democracy, and Education"

 Thomas B. Fordham Institute, 2021


"The Concept of Civility in Modern Political Philosophy"

National Institute for Civil Discourse 



Panel Discussion
College of Engineering & Technology
The Ethics of Online Testing
Selected Videos
Further Readings

"Cheating in Virtual Proctored Examinations"

 Pauli Alin, Anne Arendt, and Seth Gurrell in Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education (Taylor & Francis, 2022)


"Another Problem with Shifting Education Online: Cheating" 

Derek Newton (Heaching Report, 2020)




Keynote Address
Center for the Study of Ethics
Educating for Democracy
Prospects and Challenges
Selected Videos
Further Readings

"Public Education, Democracy, and the Future of America"

 Peter Grier & Chelsea Sheasley (CSM, 2022)


"Educating for Democracy: With or Without Social Justice"

 Paul Carr (Teacher Education Quarterly, 2008)


"What Kind of Citizen? The Politics of Educating for Democracy"

 Joel Westheimer & Joseph Kahne (American Education Research Journal, 2004) 



Panel Discussion
Woodbury School of Business
Corporate Social Responsibility
What do Businesses Owe Society?
Selected Videos
Further Readings

"Approaches to Organizational and Leadership Ethics in a Complex World"

Jonathan Westover (Forbes Coaches Council, 2022)


"Should Businesses Have Human Rights Obligations?"

 Nien-he-Hsieh (Journal of Human Rights, 2015)


"The Common Good"

 Manuel Vasquea, et. al (The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, 2014)



Film Screening and Panel
Center for the Study of Ethics
"This Divided State"
Selected Videos
Further Readings



Panel Discussion
School of the Arts
Embodied Perspectives 
Ethical Dance Pedagogy and Performance
Selected Videos
Further Readings

"Repetition Island: Some Thoughts on Re-Presentation in Dance"

 Linda Caruso Haviland (The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage)


"Classical Ballet: A Discourse of Difference"

Ann Daly (Women & Performance, 1987)


"Ethical Dance Pedagogy"

Tanya Calamoneri, et. al (Journal of Dance Education, 2020)



Panel Discussion
School of Education
The Role of Education in Building Democratic Systems
Selected Videos
Further Readings

"Putting Democracy Back Into Education"

Richard Kahlenberg & Clifford Janey (The  Century Foundation)


"The Republic is Still at Risk-and Civics is Part of the Solution"
Peter Levine and Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg (iCivics, 2017)


"Democracy and Education"
Inside Higher  Ed (June, 2022)



Panel Discussion
Center for Constitutional Studies
Carson v. Makin
Church, State, and Religious Education
Selected Videos
Further Readings

"Carson v. Makin"

United States Supreme Court


"Religious Autonomy in Carson v. Makin" 

Nick Reaves (Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, 2022)


"Carson v. Makin and the Dwindling Twilight of the Establishment Clause" 

Ira C. Lupo & Robert Tuttle (American Constitution Society, 2022)



Panel Discussion
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Viewpoint Diversity on University Campuses
Selected Videos
Further Readings

Viewpoint Diversity in the Academy" 

Jonathan Haidt (The Righteous Mind, 2016)


"Colleges and Universities Make Themselves Easy Targets in the Culture Wars"

Nick Gonnerman, (St. Olaf Institute for Freedom and Community)


"In Defense of Viewpoint Diversity" 

Christopher Freiman (Inside Higher Education, 2018)



Panel Discussion
College of Science
Science Education & the Public Good
Selected Videos
Further Readings

"Science Education in an Age of Misinformation" 

Stanford University (2022)


"Science as a Global Public Good"

Geoffrey Bolton (International Science Council, 2021)


"State of Science Index Survey"

Jayshree Seth (3M)



Panel Discussion
Center for the Study of Ethics
Ethical Dimensions of Academic Administration
Selected Videos
Further Readings

"Academic Ethics in Higher Education"

Elaine E. Englehardt (Ethical Challenges of Academic Administration, 2009)


"Framework for Ethical Leadership in Education 

Association of School and College Leaders, 2019


"Ethical Leadership in Education"

Bradley University 



Video Screening & Panel Discussion
Center for the Study of Ethics
Religion, Race & Educating for Civil Society
Selected Videos
Further Readings

"Evangelicalism & Politics"

John Fee, Laura Gifford, Marie Griffith, and Lerone Martin