the side of the fire lab

Fire Evolutions Lab

The RCA at UVU provides a 4,700 square foot, 2 story, Fire Evolutions Lab – known as the “FE Lab.” It is here that students put into practice what they have learned regarding fire attack, search and rescue, firefighter self-rescue, incident command, engine placement, pump operations, laddering, and ventilation. No other academy in the region has a facility like it. It is realistic, versatile, and safe. This where the student gains valuable live fire experience.


The UVU RCA program currently has a six engine apparatus fleet:

  • Engine 1: 1989 Beck, 1250 gpm pump. [refurbished]
  • Engine 2: 1992 E-1, 1500 GPM pump.
  • Engine 3: 2010 Pierce Contender, 1250 gpm pump.
  • Engine 4: 2010 Pierce Contender, 1250 gpm pump.
  • Engine 5: 2017 Pierce Contender, 1250 gpm pump.
the side of a fire engine
Firefighters work on an upsidedown car


Firefighters must be proficient at extrication – they will perform hundreds of extrications in their careers. We don’t simply cut cars up in the parking lot, we use scenario based problems by dropping cars on their tops, sides, and colliding them together. This requires the students to problem solve and work as a team with these new skills. Students are taught by the very best extrication instructors who are experienced and capable.

Fire Behavior

Our philosophy is that the more you see and experience the better. Textbooks are wonderful tools, but seeing fire behavior with your own eyes, watching the phases of fire and how it moves and breathes is critical to understanding. To aid in this we have a live fire “burn cube” where students watch the phases of fire and understand the fireground clock. We also utilize the UFRA Flashover and Smoke Explosion prop to teach students the preliminary signs of imminent flashover.

fire coming out of a shipping container
men doing pushups

Strength and Conditioning

During the 15 week semester, UVU RCA students can take advantage of a modern, clean and versatile strength and conditioning facility located in the RCA building. Students are eligible to use the facility anytime the building is open. The RCA program provides certified and licensed physical training instructors who can provide direction and help in building a bigger, stronger, faster, and more capable recruit. The strength you gain in the weight room translates directly to improved performance on the drill ground.

Dedicated Classroom and Support Services

The RCA program at UVU utilizes a large dedicated classroom for RCA students. This becomes your space, a space where you can study, practice and assist other students to succeed. The program is supported by over 100 sets of firefighter PPE, 120 MSA® Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA). The RCA program also has a dedicated support technician to provide assistance during training.

a tower seen against the night sky