people by 2065
Projected increase of engineering job openings each year through 2028
Utah's economy ranks first among all 50 states, according to rankings released by U.S. News & World Report in 2021
students by 2025
Utah is home to nearly 8,200 high-tech companies. As a result, the demand for more engineers, computer scientists, and technologists along the Wasatch Front is consistently increasing. Utah Valley University’s (UVU) College of Engineering & Technology is poised to address workforce needs today, but for generations of students to come.
The UVU College of Technology & Engineering has grown both in enrollment and prestige. In 2021, the college introduced a new Master of Science (MS) degree in engineering and technology management. Additionally, all five engineering programs – civil, computer, electrical, mechanical, and software engineering – earned accreditation from the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology.
UVU’s promise of an accessible, affordable, quality education is attracting more students than ever to the College of Engineering & Technology. A state- of-the-art engineering building will allow the university to increase capacity to accommodate student demand and graduate qualified professionals to meet the region’s demands. These emerging engineers and skilled workers will fill open positions and address employee shortages in the region and beyond. We appreciate your support in making the new engineering building a reality.
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