Registration for the 2019 conference is now closed.
Time | Event | Location |
8:00-9:00 | Registration Breakfast |
MATTERHORN BALLROOM Breakfast buffet provided for conference attendees |
9:00-10:00 | Opening Keynote |
MATTERHORN BALLROOM Welcome to My Publishing World - Jerry Pallotta |
10:00-10:30 | Book Signing / Break | |
10:30-11:30 | Session 1 - General Session |
MATTERHORN BALLROOM The Best Children's Books of the Year - Gene Nelson, Caroline Macfarlane, Paula Reusch, and Barbara Green |
11:45-12:30 | Session 2 |
URI Going Digital - Using Technology with Informational Text - Pam Turley GRINDELWALD You're An Adult, Why Are You Writing For Kid? - Jessica Day George DAVOS Fun with Phonemic Awareness - Lorilynn Brandt INTERLAKEN Helping Each Child Become Proficient in Literacy: What We Know That Makes This A Reality: Follow Up - Dr. Parker Fawson and Dr. Ray Reutzel |
12:30-1:00 | Lunch |
MATTERHORN BALLROOM Lunch buffet provided for conference attendees |
1:00-2:00 | Keynote |
MATTERHORN BALLROOM Turning Inspiration into a Story - Lita Judge |
2:00-2:15 | Break | |
2:15-3:00 | Session 3 |
URI Using Reading and Writing to Support Content Areas - Jill Shumway GRINDELWALD Q and A with Pam Munoz Ryan: Publishing, Research and More - Pam Munoz Ryan DAVOS The Nuts and Bolts of Planning and Presenting a Mock Caldecott Program - Gene Nelson INTERLAKEN Expanding Definitions of Text, Reading, and Writing - Makenzie Selland |
3:00-3:15 | Break | |
3:15-3:30 | Presentation |
3:30-4:30 | Keynote |
MATTERHORN BALLROOM Four Keys to Promote The Love of Reading in Students - Michael Shoulders |
4:30-5:00 | Book Signing | |
5:00-6:00 |
Special Event $5 |
5:00-7:00 |
Special Event Free to conference attendees |
7:00-8:30 |
Special Event Additional Cost |
DINNER WITH THE AUTHORS - BLUE BOAR INN Limited to 33 people (must be attending the whole conference) Get up close and personal at the "Dinner with the Authors" event Thursday evening. In this exclusive event, attendees will dine and visit at tables with the conference authors and illustrators. |
7:00-8:30 |
Special Event Free to conference attendees |
8:30-9:00 |
Special Event Free to conference attendees |
ZERMATT GAZEBO Storytelling Under the Stars with Deb Escalante |
Time | Event | Location |
8:00-8:30 | Registration Breakfast |
MATTERHORN BALLROOM Breakfast buffet provided for conference attendees |
8:30-9:30 | Keynote |
MATTERHORN BALLROOM The Chocolate Cheesecake Theory - Jessica Day George |
9:30-10:00 | Book Signing / Break | |
10:00-10:45 | Session 4 |
URI Using Children's Literature to Pose Math Problems - Nicole Gearing GRINDELWALD Exploring Revision and Creative Writing Techniques - Lita Judge DAVOS Vampires and Witches and Ghosts, Oh My! Horror Fiction for Children - Gene Nelson INTERLAKEN Using Film and Podcast in the Secondary Classroom as a Gateway, Support, and Extension to Literature - Carrie Ashcraft |
10:45-11:00 | Break | |
11:00-11:45 | Session 5 |
URI Summer Reading Revamped - Highly Effective Summer Reading Programs for High School Students - Mariah Gerlach and Hannah Thompson GRINDELWALD Male Call - Bringing Boys to Reading and Writing - Michael Shoulders DAVOS Read-a-Difference Fellowship - Creating Engaged Readers in Your Classroom - Springside Elementary Fourth Grade Teachers INTERLAKEN Art on the Brain - Caroline Macfarlane and Caitlyn Towne-Anderson |
11:45-12:00 | Break | |
12:00-12:45 | Session 6 |
URI To Deepen Comprehension ... Engage! - Kyle and Carisa Hoopes GRINDELWALD Writing Non-Fiction, a Great Way to Start! - Jerry Pallotta DAVOS Curating a More Diverse Library Collection - Kirsten Nilsson INTERLAKEN Teaching Vocabulary to Enhance and Extend Reading and Writing - Thomas B. Smith |
12:45-1:15 | Lunch |
MATTERHORN BALLROOM Lunch buffet provided for conference attendees |
1:15-2:15 | Closing Keynote |
MATTERHORN BALLROOM Beginnings, Belongings, and My Journey to Books - Pam Munoz Ryan |
2:15-2:45 | Book Signing |