Paul Dunn

Paul Dunn

Associate Professor - Biology

Office: SB-243E

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Utah Valley University Seal.


It is great to be here at UVU! I did my undergraduate studies at BYU and earned my PhD from the University of Oregon, where I studied marine biology. From there, I headed off to Europe and completed two post-doctoral research fellowships, the first at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany, and the second at the University of Southern Denmark. I then made my way back to the States and taught at Armstrong State University in Savannah, GA, before joining UVU in 2018.

In addition to the beautiful mountains and fascinating aquatic ecosystems here in Utah, I am excited to be here at UVU because of our clear dedication to excellent undergraduate teaching. I teach the following courses:

BIOL 1620 College Biology II
BIOL 3700 General Ecology
BIOL 3850 Marine Biology
ZOOL 3200 Invertebrate Zoology
ZOOL 4100 Parasitology

I also work with undergraduates on projects connected to my two major research interests:

1) The forces driving mortality risk during different stages of an organism's life, and
2) The ecology of aquatic invertebrate animals

Curriculum Vitae