
Amanda Bordelon, PhD, P.E. has degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Illinois with an expertise in concrete materials.


PhD, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, 2011

Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering

MS, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, 2007

Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering

BS, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, 2005

Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering


CIVE 2130

Engineering Economics and Statistics, Spring 2025

CIVE 2000

Introduction to Civil Engineering Seminar, Spring 2025

ENGR 1000

Introduction to Engineering, Spring 2025

ENGR 1000

Introduction to Engineering, Spring 2025


Bordelon, Amanda (Co-Presenter), Guthrie, W Spencer (Co-Presenter), 2024 Concrete Conference, "Salt Lake City Aiport Research Overview_ Design, Highlights, Takeaways", American Concrete Institute Intermountain Chapter and Utah Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Davis Conference Center, Layton, UT. (February 6, 2024)
Day, Nicholas (Co-Author), Bleazard, Madelyn (Co-Author), Guthrie, W Spencer (Co-Author), Sorensen, Taylor (Co-Author), Bordelon, Amanda (Presenter & Author), Intermountain Engineering Technology and Computing Conference 2023, "Compressive Strength and Rapid Chloride Permeability Testing of Concrete Comprising Silica Fume", BYU, Provo, UT. (May 12, 2023)
Bordelon, Amanda , Roots of Knowledge Speaker Series, "History, Current Use, and Future of Concrete", Abby Richards , Fulton Library. (October 20, 2022)
Bordelon, Amanda (Presenter & Author), Clyde, Madison (Author Only), Gwynn, Thomas (Author Only), Technical Advisory Committee Presentation, "Long term Performance of Low Permeable Concrete for Structures", Utah Department of Transportation, virtual. (September 20, 2021)
Bordelon, Amanda (Presenter & Author), 2021 PTI Virtual Conference, "Inspection Findings from a 30 year old Salt Lake City Airport Parking Garage containing Silica Fume Concrete", Post-Tensioning Institute, virtual. (April 22, 2021)
Bordelon, Amanda (Presenter & Author), Hong, Sungmin (Author Only), Bearzi, Yohann (Author Only), Vachet, Clement (Author Only), Gerig, Guido (Author Only), Intermountain Engineering Technology and Computing Conference 2020, "Visualizing Air Voids and Synthetic Fibers from X-Ray Computed Tomographic Images of Concrete", UVU, Virtual. (October, 2020)

Scholarly/Creative Works

Bordelon, Amanda , Clyde, Madison , Guthrie, W. Spencer , Day, Nicholas , Beazard, Madelyne , "Alternative Supplementary Cementitiuous Materials for Chloride Resistance of Bridge Decks" (Issue: UT-24.xx). Salt Lake City, UT: Utah Department of Transportation.
Cho, Sanghwan , Bordelon, Amanda , Kim, Min Ook , (2024) "Effects of Macro Fibers on Crack Opening Reduction in Fiber Reinforced Concrete Overlays" (Issue: 2282, vol. 16). Polymers.
Jaafar, Israd , Jensen, Matt , Tolman, Sean , Bordelon, Amanda , Willardson, Ben , Raje, Janis , (2024) "Enhancing STEM Degree Completion_ A Framework for the Civil and Mechanical Engineering (CAM) Scholarship Project" (Issue: MECH - Technical Session 14_ Advanced Pedagogical Techniques). Portland, Oregon: ASEE 2024 Annual Conference.
Day, Nicholas , Bleazard, Madelyne , Guthrie, W. Spencer , Sorensen, Taylor J, Bordelon, Amanda C, (2023) "Compressive Strength and Rapid Chloride Permeability Testing of Concrete Comprising Silica Fume" . Provo, UT: 2023 Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC).
Bordelon, Amanda , Clyde, Madison , Gwynn, Thomas , (2021) "Salt Lake City Airport Parking Garage Visual Inspection Report" (vol. Report No UT-21.23). Salt Lake City, UT: Utah Department of Transportation.
Dispenza, Kristin , Bordelon, Amanda , Meldrum, Tammy , Staff, A C I, (2020) "ACI Chapter Coordinates Funding for Vital Concrete Research" (Issue: November 2020). Concrete International.