Thomas Sturtevant

Faculty Member

Dr. Tom Sturtevant


Dr. Sturtevant is an Associate Dean in the College of Heath and Public Service at Utah Valley University and a tenured faculty member in the Emergency Services Department. He currently is assigned to the School of Public Service and assists the Dean in all aspects of administration to include planning for present and future needs of the college. With over 40 years of experience, Dr. Sturtevant has a unique blend of emergency response and educational experience with responsibilities and accomplishments in degree program development/administration, curriculum development, and management of accreditation/certification.

Dr. Sturtevant is a published author, has assessed several foreign emergency response training and certification programs, and served on the Board of Directors and Committee on Accreditation for the National Professional Qualifications System. He is a Senior Fellow with the Higher Education Academy and member grade with the Institution of Fire Engineers.

Dr. Sturtevant earned an Education Doctorate in Leadership for Teaching and Learning and a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Tennessee.


EDD, University of Tennessee, 2001

Major: Education

MPA, University of Tennessee, 1993

Major: Public Administration

BS, Tusculum College, 1988

Major: Organizational Management

AS, Georgia Military College, 1988

Major: General Studies


PADM 6400

Public Administration Program Development and Evaluation, Spring 2025


Sturtevant, Thomas (Presenter & Author), Innovation in the Emergency Services, "Emerging Technology – Social Media use in Emergency Management", Utah Valley University, Orem, Utah, USA. (April, 2014)
Sturtevant, Thomas (Presenter & Author), Innovation in the Emergency Services, "Emerging Technology – UAS in Emergency Informatics", Utah Valley University, Orem, Utah, USA. (April, 2014)
Sturtevant, Thomas (Presenter & Author), Leonardo After Hours, "Rise of the Drones_ The questions and possibilities of harnessing advanced military technology for everyday use", The Leonardo, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. (December, 2012)
Sturtevant, Thomas (Presenter & Author), Fire Asia 2012, "Emergency Management Training Innovations – Authentic Simulation & Technology Integration", Hong Kong, China. (February, 2012)
Sturtevant, Thomas (Presenter & Author), Pro Board (NPQS) Accreditation Training Conference, "Criterion Referenced Test Development ", National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualification System (Pro-Board), Singer Island, Florida. (February, 2009)
Sturtevant, Thomas (Presenter & Author), Pro Board (NPQS) Accreditation Training Conference, "Local Validation of Test Banks ", National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualification System (Pro-Board), Singer Island, Florida. (February, 2005)

Scholarly/Creative Works

Sturtevant, Tom , (2017) "Higher Education_ A Career Investment" (Issue: 4, vol. 18). UFRA Straight TIp.
Sturtevant, Thomas , (2014) "Unmanned Aircraft Systems" (Issue: 3, vol. 15). Provo, Utah: UFRA Straight Tip.
Sturtevant, Thomas , (2006) "Exam Preparation for Fire Pump Operations" . Boston, Massachusetts: Delmar-ITP.
Sturtevant, Thomas , (2003) "Fire Chief's Handbook - Chapter 8, Safety and Occupational Health" (Issue: 6th edition). Tulsa, Oklahoma: PennWell Corporation.
Sturtevant, Thomas , (2001) "A Study of Undergraduate Fire Service Degree Programs in the United States" . United States of America:
Sturtevant, Thomas , (1999) "Developing Courses for Internet Delivery_ Some Considerations" (Issue: 3, vol. 3). New York, New York: Academic Exchange Quarterly.


Ambassador of Belonging

Melisa Nelleson Center for Autism - September 9, 2021

Senior Fellow

Higher Education Academy - May, 2017

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in recognition of attainment against the UK Professional Standards Framework of teaching and learning support in higher education.

UVSelf Fellow

Utah Valley University

Excellence in Innovation Award

Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX)

Awarded for work on London Fire Brigade project.

TEEXcellence Award

Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX)

Distinguished Service Award

Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX)