Bennington Willardson

Faculty Member

Dr. Ben Willardson


Dr. Willardson has 18 years of professional experience in water resources and stormwater management prior to teaching at UVU. He also worked for 2 years as a graduate student at the Utah Water Research Laboratory in Logan, UT, testing meters, valves, pump sumps, and other hydraulic structures. He has extensive experience in the development and review of hydrologic, hydraulic, and sediment transport models. He has been heavily involved in the implementation of stormwater management programs for compliance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit requirements for the County of Los Angeles and has guided the development of methodologies to evaluate the effective use of Best Management Practices within the County. He has reviewed hydrologic and storm water quality methodologies for implementations as standards. He has operated 14 dams and 27 spreading grounds for flood control and water conservation within the complex flood control system serving Los Angeles County. He has represented the interests of the County during discussions with the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regarding discharge of water from Superfund sites into the flood control system. He has acted as an in-house expert witness for Los Angeles County Counsel for litigation related to flooding. He has also conducted asset assessment for asset management programs related to flood control channels and road pavements. The projects worked on include_ hydrology and hydraulics, hydrologic methods and software development, scour and sedimentation, dam analysis, operations and maintenance, river restoration and fish passage, coastal analysis, and legal and expert witness.



Advanced Current Topics in Civil Engineering, Summer 2024

CIVE 3335

Hydrology and Hydraulics Lab WE, Spring 2024

CIVE 3320

Introduction to Water Resources, Spring 2024

Scholarly/Creative Works

Tolman, Sean , Jensen, Matt , Jaafar, Israd , Bordelon, Amanda , Willardson, Ben , "Civil and Mechanical Engineering (CAMS) Scholarship Program" .
Willardson, Ben , (2024) "Blow Out_ How 2023 Flooding Impacted Fish Populations in Utah County Urban Streams" .
Willardson, Ben , (2021) "Stream Restoration_ The Balance of Power" . Salt Lake City, Utah: 2021 Salt Lake County Watershed Symposium.
Willardson, Ben , (2021) "The Latest Standard Guidelines for Managed Aquifer Recharge_ ASCE/EWRI 69-19" . EWRI 2021 Congress.
Willardson, Ben , (2020) "Sustainable Debris Basins for Post-Fire Recovery" . Orem, Utah: Intermountain Engineering and Technology Conference 2020.
Willardson, Ben , Jaw, Tsou , Champion, Peter , (2019) "North Fork Matilija Creek_ A Model for Environmentally Nuanced Restoration Projects" . Los Angeles, California: American Society of Civil Engineering/International Conferences on Sustainable Infrastructure.


Outstanding Educator Award 2020-2021

Utah Valley University Alumni - May 7, 2020

The Educator of the Year award is currently hosted by the Utah Valley University Alumni Association and voted upon by graduating students and bestowed during spring Commencement to one faculty member from each of UVU's schools and colleges.

Industry Icon

Storm Water Solutions - July 1, 2015

Storm Water Solutions honors the individuals who have shaped the storm water & erosion control industry.