Frederick White

Faculty Member

Dr. Frederick White


Dr. Frederick H. White is Professor of Russian and Integrated Studies. He has published eight books and more than fifty academic articles on Russian literature, film and culture. He is one of the leading specialists on the writer Leonid Andreev and has published in the areas of Russian Modernism, psychiatry and literature in the Russian fin de siecle, the economics of culture and post-Soviet cinema, with a specific interest in the filmmaker Aleksei Balabanov. Presently, he is working on Ernest Hemingway's reception in the Soviet Union.


PhD, University of Southern California, 2002

Major: Slavic Languages and Literatures

MA, University of Kansas, 1994

Major: Slavic Languages and Literatures

BA, The Ohio State University, 1992

Major: Russian Language and Literature


RUS 367G

History of Russian Film GI, Fall 2024

RUS 3620

Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature and Its Film Adaptations, Fall 2024

RUS 490R

Special Topics in Russian Studies, Fall 2024

IS 350R

Topics in Integrated Studies, Fall 2024

RUS 416G

Contemporary Russian Cinema GI, Spring 2024


Special Topics in Languages, Spring 2024

RUS 490R

Special Topics in Russian Studies, Spring 2024

NSS 3350

The Cold War--Culture and Politics, Spring 2024

IS 350R

Topics in Integrated Studies, Spring 2024


White, Frederick H. (Author Only), AATSEEL, "‘If there is no God…’: Andrei Zviagintsev’s Elena and Leviathan", Las Vegas. (February, 2024)
White, Frederick (Author Only), XIX International Hemingway Conference, "A Remarkable Life_ Hemingway’s Soviet Biography", Hemingway Society, Wyoming and Montana. (July, 2022)
White, Frederick H. (Author Only), ASEEES, "Hemingway and the Spanish Civil War", Washington DC. (November, 2020)
White, Frederick H. (Author Only), Humanities+ 2019, "The Most Outstanding Work of an Idealistic Tendency_ Hemingway, Pasternak and the 1958 Nobel Prize for Literature", The Russian-American Academic Center at the Russian State University for the Humanities, Russia. (April, 2019)
White, Frederick H. (Author Only), AATSEEL, "Pauline Tarnowsky and the Russian Influence on Cesare Lombroso’s Criminal Woman", New Orleans. (February, 2019)
White, Frederick (Author Only), ASEEES, "Temple Drake in the Soviet Union", San Antonio, TX. (November, 2014)

Scholarly/Creative Works

White, Frederick , (2024) "Dreaming of Space_ a premonition of Ernest Hemingway" (Issue: 1, vol. 18). Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema.
White, Frederick H., Array, Array , (2023) "Tonkaia otrava 'Ulissa'. Perepiska Sergeia Eizensheteina i Sil’vii Bich. " (Issue: 118). Russia: Kinovedcheskie zapiski.
White, Frederick H., (2023) "1902: razmyvaia granitsy mezhdu meditsinoi i literaturoi [1902: Blurring the Boundaries between Medicine and Literature]" (Issue: 179). Russia: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.
White, Frederick H., Leving, Yuri , (2023) "Ulysses on Soviet Celluloid_ Sergei Eisenstein, James Joyce and Sylvia Beach" . Frankfurt am Main: Esterum.
White, Frederick H., (2022) "1958: Kheminguei, Pasternak i Nobelevskaia premiia po literature [1958: Hemingway, Pasternak and the Nobel Prize for Literature]" (Issue: 3). Russia: Rossica. Literaturnye sviazi i kontakty.
White, Frederick H., (2020) "B-2: Brikolazh rezhissera Balabanova. [B-2: Bricolage of the filmmaker Balabanov]" . Nizhnii Novgorod: Dekom.


Board of Trustees Award of Excellence

Utah Valley University

Board of Trustees Award of Excellence

Utah Valley University

Faculty Travel Grant

Utah Valley University

Louis-Reynolds-Smith Founders Fellowship

The Hemingway Society

Princeton University Library Research Grant

Friends of the Princeton University Library

U.S. Russia Foundation, Education, Exchanges & Community Building

Utah Valley University