Kimberly Abunuwara

Faculty Member

Professor Kim Abunuwara


Kim Abunuwara is an Associate Professor of Integrated Studies and Director of the Humanities Program at Utah Valley University. Dr. Abunuwara was awarded Instructor of the Year (April 2010) by Trio Student Support Services at UVU. Kim also received the Award of Merit in Using Technology to Engage Distance Students (May 2008) from the Utah System of Higher Ed. Classes she teaches:

Humanities 1010. Introductory survey course
Humanities 2020 History Through the Arts
Humanities 320R Topics: Death and Art, Performance Studies
Humanities 4910 Capstone


HUM 401R

Forms and Genres Across the Arts, Fall 2024

IS 4980

Integrated Studies Capstone I WE, Fall 2024

IS 350R

Topics in Integrated Studies, Fall 2024

HUM 1010

Humanities Through the Arts HH, Summer 2024


Performance Practicum for Stage and Screen, Spring 2024