Shaun Lamarche

Faculty Member

Pierre Lamarche


Ph D, The University of Texas at Austin, 1999

Major: Philosophy

MA, The University of Texas at Austin, 1992

Major: Philosophy

BA, University College, The University of Toronto, 1989

Major: Philosophy/Physics


PHIL 1000

Introduction to Philosophy HH, Summer 2024


Independent Study, Spring 2024

PHIL 1000

Introduction to Philosophy HH, Spring 2024

PHIL 3750

Marxist Philosophy, Spring 2024


Lamarche, Pierre , Annual Meeting of the Society for Italian Philosophy, "Sotto il selciato, la spiaggia – Idleness and Exodus in Italian and French Thought", Society for Italian Philosophy, Turin, Italy. (June 6, 2024)
Lamarche, Pierre (Presenter & Author), Colloquium, Hellenic Studies and Department of Philosophy, "On the Possibility of a Pyrrhonian Ethic", Simon Fraser University, Vancouver BC. (April 8, 2009)
Lamarche, Pierre (Presenter & Author), Biennial Conference of the Radical Philosophy Association, "The Beautiful and Negri's Multitude", San Francisco, CA. (November 7, 2008)
Lamarche, Pierre (Presenter & Author), Pacific Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association, "A Rather Deliberate Misunderstanding_ On Nietzsche's Resentment of Pyrrho", Pasadena, CA. (March, 2008)
Lamarche, Pierre (Presenter & Author), Richard Wood Conference on Ancient Thought, "Is a Pyrrhonian Ethics Possible? Some Reflections on 'First Philosophy and Skepticism", Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ. (March 7, 2008)
Lamarche, Pierre (Presenter & Author), Robert C. Solomon Memorial Conference, "Emotions- Octavian Session Leader", University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX. (February 15, 2008)

Scholarly/Creative Works

Lamarche, Pierre , "Selling a Revolution_ Negri, Bataille, and the Arcana of Production" . Reading Negri- Open Court Press.
Lamarche, Pierre , (2008) "A Rather Deliberate Misunderstanding_ On Nietzsche's REsentment of Pyrrho" . Selected Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, "Philosophy Today".
Lamarche, Pierre , (2008) "Ideology" . Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Lamarche, Pierre , Benso, Silvia , Schroeder, Brian , (2008) "Of a Non Saying that Says Nothing_ Levinas and Pyrrhonism" . Bloomington: Levinas and the Ancients/ Indiana Press University.
Lamarche, Pierre , (2007) "The Use Value of G.A.M.V. Bataille in Reading Bataille Now" . Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Lamarche, Pierre , Swearingen, James E, Cutting-Gray, Joanna , (2002) "The Place of Boredom_ Blanchot Not Reading Proust" . London and New York: Extreme Beauty_ Aesthetics, Politics, and Death.


Faculty Excellence Award

UVU College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences - January, 2011

HASS Summer Research Grant

UVU College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences