Joshua Cieslewicz

Faculty Member

Josh Cieslewicz


Recently Professor Cieslewicz received the UACPA Educator of the Year Award, UVU Faculty Excellence Award, and WSB Dean's Award of Excellence for Scholarship. These accolades reflect his passion for continuous improvement in education. He integrated CPA exam preparation into UVU’s MAcc program, leading to higher pass rates. He successfully led an effort to revitalize UVU’s MAcc curriculum. The new curriculum includes data analytics, ethics, and leadership components, as well as covering critical content across accounting areas. He recently published in the Journal of Business Ethics on improving professional ethics training. He provides related continuing professional education for CPAs.

Due to spending 6 years in public accounting and industry, Professor Cieslewicz’ teaching as well as his research focus on improving practical issues. During the Covid-19 pandemic, as MAcc Director he focused on virtually connecting hiring organizations with UVU students. This facilitated a continuation of high placement rates. He also provided pro bono consulting for small businesses needing funds to survive the pandemic. Concerned with how soda taxes have been used to address what the CDC has called the “obesity pandemic,” he published a cross-disciplinary study on how to strategically refocus soda taxes to reduce diabetes.

Josh Cieslewicz’ PhD focused on international aspects of accounting. He believes aspects of accounting can and should be used to improve the world as well as account for transactions. He is seeking funding to bring enhanced educational opportunities to additional students from international locations. Please contact him at [email protected] if you are interested in contributing.


Ph D, University of Hawai`i, 2010

Major: International Management

Master's of Accountancy (MAcc), Brigham Young University, 2001

Major: Accountancy

BS, Brigham Young University, 2000

Major: Accountancy


ACC 4110

Auditing, Summer 2024

ACC 4110

Auditing, Spring 2024

ACC 4110

Auditing, Spring 2024

ACC 2110

Principles of Accounting I, Spring 2024


Cieslewicz, Josh , American Accounting Association Ethics Research Symposium, "Deterring Collusive Reporting_ Countering Materialism with Organizational Commitment", American Accounting Association , Denver. (July 6, 2023)
Cieslewicz, Josh , European Accounting Association 45th Annual Congress, "Deterring Collusive Reporting_ Countering Materialism with Organizational Commitment", European Accounting Association , Helsinki. (July 6, 2023)
Cieslewicz, Josh (Presenter & Author), Bailey, Jim , Helquist, Joel , Wendell, John (Author Only), Society for Business Ethics Virtual Conference, "The Effect of Organizational Commitment on Collusive Supervision Over Reporting", Society for Business Ethics, Virtual. (July, 2021)
Black, Erv (Author Only), Burton, Greg (Author Only), Cieslewicz, Josh (Presenter & Author), Hawaii Accounting Research Conference, "Improving Accounting Ethics_ Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior to Include Moral Disengagement", University of Hawaii, Virtual. (January 5, 2021)
Cieslewicz, Josh (Presenter & Author), Bailey, Jim (Author Only), Helquist, Joel (Author Only), HARC, "The Effect of Organizational Commitment on Collusive Supervision Over Reporting", UH, Manoa. (January 5, 2020)
Cieslewicz, Josh (Presenter & Author), Black, Erv (Author Only), Burton, Greg (Author Only), BALAS 2019 Annual Conference, "Analysis of Ethics Training_ A Study of the Theory of Planned Behavior", Business Association of Latin American Studies (BALAS), Lima, Peru. (April, 2019)

Scholarly/Creative Works

Cieslewicz, Josh , Bailey, Jim , Helquist, Joel , Wendell, John , "Deterring Collusive Reporting_ Countering Materialism with Organizational Commitment" .
Bailey, Jim , Saville, Amy , Helquist, Joel , Cieslewicz, Josh , "Jumpstart Your Career with an Accounting Internship" . The New Accountant.
Bailey, Jim , Chapman, Jared , Helquist, Joel , Cieslewicz, Josh , "Communication Impacts in Online Auditing Courses" . Advances in Accounting Education_ Teaching and Curriculum Innovation.
Cieslewicz, Josh , Bailey, Jim , Cieslewicz, Lindsy , McEuen, Cole , Lindsey, Jonathan , Helquist, Joel , "Navigating Narcissistic Leadership" . Strategic Finance.
Black, Erv , Burton, Greg , Cieslewicz, Josh , (2022) "Improving Ethics_ Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior to Include Moral Disengagement" (Issue: 4, vol. 181).
Cieslewicz, Josh , Cieslewicz, Emmelia , Cieslewicz, Isaiah , Cieslewicz, Lindsy J. S. , Haber, Jeffry , (2021) "The Soda Tax" (Issue: 2, vol. 16). Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research.


Outstanding Reviewer Contribution

Journal of Business Ethics - February, 2024

Award for outstanding contribution as a reviewer. See letter.

2023 Summer Research Grant

Woodbury School of Business - May, 2023

I was awarded a full summer research grant. I developed a paper for professional accountants and submitted it.