Michael Bunds

Faculty Member

Michael Bunds


For more information on me, please visit: https://sites.google.com/view/neotectonics-at-uvu



PhD, University of Utah, 2001
PhD, University of Utah, 2001

Major: Geology

MS, University of California at Davis, 1994

Major: Geology

MS, University of California, Davis, 1994
BA, University of California at Santa Barbara, 1984

Major: Geological Sciences

BA, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1984


GEOG 4100

Geospatial Field Methods, Fall 2024

GEO 1010

Introduction to Geology PP, Fall 2024

GEO 1010

Introduction to Geology PP, Fall 2024

GEO 4600

Field Experience, Summer 2024

GEOG 1000

Introduction to Physical Geography PP, Summer 2024

GEO 1010

Introduction to Geology PP, Spring 2024

METO 1010

Introduction to Meteorology PP, Spring 2024

GEO 3700

Structure and Tectonics, Spring 2024

Scholarly/Creative Works

Bunds, Michael , Scott, Chelsea , Brigham, Whitney , Lee, JC , (2023) "New High Resolution Topography along 40 km of the Southern San Andreas Fault (UVU Conference)" . Orem, UT: UVU GIS Conference.
Harris, Ron , Meservey, William , Sulaeman, H , Bunds, Michael , Uribe, Alex , Sharp, B , Barrett, B , Whitehead, J , Carver, G , Setiadi, G , Hapsoro, S , Prasetyadi, C , "Imbricated Beachrock Deposits Adjacent to the Java Trench, Indonesia_ Influence of Tsunami and Storm Waves" . USA: Natural Hazards, Springer.
Bunds, Michael , Stearns, Mike , (2022) "Coulomb Stress Change from the March 18, 2020 Magna Mw5.7 Earthquake and Implications for Wasatch Fault Seismic Hazard (BRES)" . Utah: Basin and Range Earthquake Summit.
Memmott, Charles , Bunds, Michael , (2022) " Insights into Segmentation and Surface Rupture History of the Oquirrh – Great Salt Lake Fault System, Utah, USA, from Scarp Heights and Lake Bonneville Shoreline Elevations (BRES)" . USA: Basin and Range Earthquake Summit.
Stearns, Mike , Waters, Emily , Bunds, Michael , (2022) "Paleorelief and Footwall Rotation Adjacent to the Wasatch Fault Zone Recorded by the Eocene-Oligocene Paleosurfaces, Snyderville Basin, Utah, USA" . USA: American Geophysical Union.
DuRoss, C B, Gold, R D, Hatem, A E, Elliott, A E, Delano, J , Medina-Cascales, I , Gray, H , Mahan, S , Micovich, S , Lifton, Z , Kleber, E , McDonald, G , Hiscock, A , Bunds, Michael , Reitman, N , (2022) "How Similar was the 1983 Mw 6.9 Borah Peak earthquake to its surface-faulting predecessors along the northern Lost River fault zone (Idaho, USA)?" . Colorado: Geological Society of America Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1130/B36144.1