SPAN 1010
Beginning Spanish I LH, Fall 2023
SPAN 4130
English-Spanish Interpreting, Fall 2023
SPAN 4110
Introduction to Translation and Interpreting English-Spanish, Fall 2023
Language Internship, Fall 2023
Translation Technology, Fall 2023
SPAN 1020
Beginning Spanish II LH, Summer 2023
Language Internship, Summer 2023
SPAN 3050
Advanced Spanish LH WE, Spring 2023
SPAN 4120
Advanced Translation English-Spanish, Spring 2023
SPAN 2010
Intermediate Spanish I LH, Spring 2023
SPAN 4110
Introduction to Translation and Interpreting English-Spanish, Spring 2023
Translation Technology, Spring 2023
SPAN 4120
Advanced Translation English-Spanish, Fall 2022
SPAN 4130
English-Spanish Interpreting, Fall 2022
SPAN 4110
Introduction to Translation and Interpreting English-Spanish, Fall 2022
Language Internship, Fall 2022
SPAN 3690
Spanish and Latin American Cultures through Cinema, Fall 2022
SPAN 3050
Advanced Spanish LH WE, Summer 2022
Language Internship, Summer 2022
Language Internship, Summer 2022
SPAN 4120
Advanced Translation English-Spanish, Spring 2022
SPAN 1010
Beginning Spanish I LH, Spring 2022
SPAN 4110
Introduction to Translation and Interpreting English-Spanish, Spring 2022
Language Internship, Spring 2022
SPAN 4120
Advanced Translation English and Spanish, Fall 2021
SPAN 4130
English Spanish Interpreting, Fall 2021
SPAN 4110
Introduction to Translation and Interpreting English and Spanish, Fall 2021
Gilbert, Devin (Presenter & Author), Utah Valley University 1st Annual Symposium of Teaching and Learning, "Re-imagining the User Experience for Solo Practice in Language Interpreting Training", , Office of Teaching and Learning, Utah Valley University, Online from Orem, Utah. (March 30, 2023)
Gilbert, Devin (Presenter & Author), 12th American Portuguese Studies Association Conference, "Recreating Perspectives within Perspectives_ Translating Ondjaki's Childlike View of an Angolan Community for an American Audience", , American Portuguese Studies Association (APSA), Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA. (October 6, 2022)
Gilbert, Devin (Presenter & Author), UTIA Webinar Series, "Put Horse in Front of Cart_ Starting every Translation Project with an Effective Translation Brief", , Utah Translators and Interpreters Association, Online. (August 1, 2022)
Gilbert, Devin (Presenter & Author), 10th EST Congress_ Advancing Translation Studies, "Testing the Usefulness of an Automatic Machine Translation Accuracy Indicator within Trados Studio_ Empirical Data and Post-editor Perceptions", , European Society for Translation Studies, Oslo, Norway. (June 22, 2022)
Gilbert, Devin (Presenter & Author), 9th Asian-Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies (APFTIS 2022), "Solving Terminology Management Pain Points_ One Termbase Management System to Rule Them All", , Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA. (March 26, 2022)
Gilbert, Devin (Presenter & Author), Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP) 2021, "CRITT TPR-DB Live Data Analysis", , Translational Data Analytics Institute, The Ohio State University, Online, Columbus, Ohio, USA. (September 15, 2021)
Gilbert, Devin (Presenter & Author), Carl, Michael (Presenter & Author), First Workshop on Modelling Translation_ Translatology in the Digital Age (MoTra21), "Word Alignment Dissimilarity Indicator_ Alignment Links as Conceptualizations of a Focused Bilingual Lexicon", , Universität des Saarlandes, Online, Berlin. (May 31, 2021)
Gilbert, Devin (Presenter & Author), TT5: Translation in Transition_ Human and Machine Intelligence, "Using Commercially Available Customizable NMT to Study Translator Style", , Center for Research and Innovation in Translation and Translation Technology (CRITT), Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA. (October 15, 2020)
Gilbert, Devin (Presenter & Author), ALTA41: Performance, Props, and Platforms, "Bilingual reading of a selection from my translation of Ondjaki's Os da minha rua (The People On My Street)", , The American Literary Translators Association, Bloomington, Indiana, USA. (November 2, 2018)
Gilbert, Devin (Presenter & Author), TESOL/Applied Linguistics Graduate Students (TALGS), "Phonology Focused First Weeks of Second Language Learning", , East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina, USA. (February 10, 2018)
Gilbert, Devin (Presenter & Author), National Undergraduate Literature Conference, "El guerrero del Antifaz_ maurofobia y el regimen de Franco", , Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, USA. (April 2, 2014)