Debra Ward

Faculty Member

Debra Ward


MATH 2000

Algebraic Reasoning with Modeling QL, Fall 2024

MATH 2000

Algebraic Reasoning with Modeling QL, Fall 2024

MAT 101R

Individualized Mathematics Review, Fall 2024

MATH 2010

Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I, Fall 2024

MATH 2010

Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I, Fall 2024

MATH 2020

Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II, Fall 2024

MATH 4040

Statistics and Probability for Secondary Mathematics Teaching, Fall 2024

MATH 2010

Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I, Summer 2024

MATH 2010

Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I, Summer 2024

MATH 2000

Algebraic Reasoning with Modeling QL, Spring 2024

MATH 2010

Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I, Spring 2024

MATH 2020

Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II, Spring 2024


Gerber, Lindsey (Co-Presenter), Ward, Debra (Co-Presenter), 49th AMATYC Annual Conference, "Home Run for Teacher Preparation", American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, Omaha, NE. (November, 2023)
Ward, Debra (Co-Presenter), Gerber, Lindsey (Co-Presenter), 48th AMATYC Annual Conference, "Improving Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Teacher Affect ", American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, Toronto. (November, 2022)
Ward, Debra D (Presenter & Author), 2022 Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) Summit, "A Multi-Requisite Mathematics-Intensive Summer Program for Pre-service Elementary Teachers", National Science Foundation (NSF), Washingtonton, D.C.. (June 2, 2022)