Ruhul Kuddus

Faculty Member

Dr. Ruhul Kuddus


Dr. Kuddus has been teaching advanced biological sciences for over 15 years. His research interest includes cancer epidemiology and bioethics. He has authored ten books and over fifty research articles.


Ph D, University of Pittsburgh, 1993

Major: Microbiology and Molecular Genetics

MS, George Mason University, 1987

Major: Biology

MS, University of Dhaka, 1979

Major: Zoology with distinction

BS, University of Dhaka, 1975

Major: Biology and Chemisty


MICR 2060

Microbiology for Health Professions BB, Summer 2024

BIOL 1610

College Biology I BB, Spring 2024

BIOL 3550

Molecular Biology, Spring 2024

BIOL 3550

Molecular Biology, Spring 2024


Student Research, Spring 2024


Kuddus, Ruhul , UVU Ethics Awareness Week 2010, "From individuals to community_ A unified study of the ethics of conservation of life (keynote speech)", Utah Valley University, LA Auditorium. ()
Kuddus, Ruhul , Holmes, J. , Kopp, O , Conference by the Faculty, "Should nutraceuticals be regulated?", Utah Valley State College, Orem, Utah. (January, 2009)
Kuddus, Ruhul , Woodworth, W. , Jackson, D. , Walton, L. , West, K. , Array, "Interfaith discussion and harmony in the Community", Provo, Utah. (March, 2008)
Kuddus, Ruhul , Islam, F. , Rushforth, N. , Conference by the Faculty, "Ethics of Organ Donation", Utah Valley State College, Orem, Utah. (January, 2008)
Kuddus, Ruhul , Empowering Your Tomorrow Conference (Boys Section), "Boys in Biotechnology", Utah Valley State College, Orem, Utah. (January, 2008)
Kuddus, Ruhul , Kopp, O , Ethics Awareness Week, "Ethics of genetic Manipulation of organisms", Utah Valley State College, Orem, Utah. (November, 2007)

Scholarly/Creative Works

Kuddus, Ruhul , "Technology transfer and Biorevolution in the Third World" . Developmental Issues of Bangladesh.
Kuddus, Ruhul , (2010) "Microbiology for Health Professions; First Edition" . New York: LInus Publications, Inc..
Kuddus, Ruhul , A, El Ezzi , M, El-Saidi , (2010) "Long term stability of thyroid hormones and DNA in blood spots kept under varying storage conditions " . Pediatrics International .
Kuddus, Ruhul , (2008) "A Laboratory Manual for Introductory Immunology; Second Edition" . Orem, Utah:
Kuddus, Ruhul , C, Toruno , A, Khan , (2008) "Effect of microquestioning approach of teaching biological sciences on student learning and learning strategies" (vol. 6). Hawaii International Conference on Education Proceedings.
Kuddus, Ruhul , F, Islam , D, McAdams-Jones , (2008) "Human Organ Procurement for Transplantation_ Some Ethical Issues" . Bio-ethics.


Global Intercultural Faculty Fellowship

Utah Valley University - June 1, 2016

"To analyze global or intercultural issues.To discuss stereotypical cultural conceptions and recognize the complexity and variety of different cultural groups.To evaluate how one's own cultural values compare with those from different backgrounds."

Fulbright Scholar

US Department of Interior - July 1, 2011

Teaching advanced sciences and serving as an adviser to the administrators of a foreign university

Outstanding Service Award

Utah valley University International Center - August 24, 2010

"Unit Mission Statement_ Create opportunities for students to succeed and empower them to become responsible global citizens."
"Vision: We are committed to the principle that international experiences, awareness, and perspectives are vital to a strong, sustainable world."


Center for the Study of Eithcs, Utah Valley University

Faculty Scholar of the Year

Utah Valley University

Scholar in Residence

American Society for Microbiology