- UVU is legally obligated to respond to copyright, piracy and Digital Millennium Copyright
Act violation notices to make a good faith effort to remove all violations from the UVU network.
- Illegal P2P downloading of copyrighted materials is a violation of State and Federal
Laws and you may be prosecuted. UVU has an obligation to cooperate with law enforcement
agencies on such violations.
- P2P clients are inherently not secure and give hackers access to the computer on which
they are installed.
- UEN (Utah Education Network) policy prohibits illegal activities and excess use of
bandwidth on the UEN network of which UVU is a part.
- UVU policy (Appropriate Use of Computing Facilities A-10.1) includes the following:
- From I. Rights and Responsibilities: Use of the UVU computer system must be legal,
ethical, and consistent with the College's mission.
- From I.a.5.: Individual users must obey federal, state, and local laws which govern
computer and telecommunication use.
- From I.a.4: Individual users must accept that instructional, administrative, and research
uses of system resources take priority over all other uses.
- From I.a.8: Individual users must protect the privacy of self and others.
- From I.B: System Administrators must:
- Perform periodic security checks to ensure that computing resources by the College
are as secure as the College can make them.
- Enforce violations of this policy in cooperation with appropriate authorities.
- Disclose E-mail messages, files, backups, and any other pertinent records to authorized
law enforcement officials or other authorized third parties.
- From II.B: Users must not share passwords and/or accounts.
- From II.D.Users must not use destructive or invasive software.
- From II.E. Users must not violate licensing agreements, patent, copyright and/or trademark
laws or UVU Purchasing regulations as governed by UVU Policy B-1.3.
- From II.G. Users must not consume inordinate amounts of system resources.
- From II.L. Users must not use the College computing facilities for disruptive or illegal
- From V.A. All computing resources owned and managed by UVU are as secure as the College
can make them.
- Penalties are spelled out in III.A – E and include loss of access & privileges, disabled
accounts, and possible prosecution by law enforcement personnel.
UVU violation form and procedure