FEMME Director Lynn Chen on set with actors Grace Lu and Thea Saccoliti

FEMME Director Lynn Chen on set with actors Grace Lu and Thea Saccoliti



The F.E.M.M.E. Project - Females Empowered by Movie Making Experiences

The F.E.M.M.E. (Females Empowered by Movie Making Experiences) Project at Utah Valley University is an annual film production project for Digital Cinema Production majors of any sex or gender identity interested in learning more about advocating for women’s opportunities and equity in film production. Professional women from the industry mentor students in pre-production and on-set as writer, director, cinematographer, gaffer, sound mixer, and key grip. Our award-winning directors include Jennifer Prediger, Guinevere Turner, Leah Meyerhoff, Jennifer Reeder, and Lynn Chen. This unique opportunity gives students an experience to learn skills on a film set, network with professionals, and make friends within the program. Each year the F.E.M.M.E. Project is generously sponsored by the Utah Film Commission.

About the Project

Want to be a part of F.E.M.M.E. 2025?

APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED! If you want to see updates on the project check out the FEMME Project on Instagram by following the link below. 


Learn more about the F.E.M.M.E. Project

To find out more about The F.E.M.M.E. (Females Empowered by Movie Making Experiences) Project at UVU  and enjoy the camaraderie of other like minded women who make films, email Jenny Mackenzie with the link below.


F.E.M.M.E. In Action

Cinematographer Lucy Zavarcikova mentoring students

Cinematographer Lucy Zavarcikova mentoring students


Jennifer Reader with students

Director Jennifer Reeder discusses a shot


video village

Script Supervisors work in video village on set for FEMME

crew and talent

Crew and talent celebrate a FEMME wrap


Behind the scenes filming FEMME 1

Behind the scenes with Jennifer Prediger


President Tuminez with Student Taylor Jensen

UVU President Dr. Astrid Tuminez on the set with Student Producer Taylor Jensen

behind the scenes

Behind the scenes on FEMME


female professional and students adjusting camera on dolly

Rigging a Dana Dolly on Set


FEMME Executive Producer Jenny Mackenzie works with first assistant director Kelty Heppler

FEMME Executive Producer Jenny Mackenzie works with first assistant director Kelty Heppler

Get Well Soon 

Written and Directed by Jennifer Prediger

Post-Apocalyptic Potluck

Written and Directed by Guinevere Turner

Dead Without Your Love  

Directed by Leah Meyerhoff

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