Digital Cinema Production Open House

Digital Cinema Production Open House

By: Jenna Berndt

For the second year in a row, the Digital Cinema Production Program held an open house for the entire cinema student body. At the event, around 350 people attended, ranging from first years to seniors.

During the event, students were introduced to faculty members: Alex Nibley, Kevin Smith, Jerell Rosales, Duane Andersen, and Jenny Mackenzie where the professors presented a quick recap of their current and completed projects. Additionally, the event was a great opportunity for first years and up to socialize with their peers within the program and to get excited about capstone projects.

This year, senior Sydney Pussey’s film called Jailbirds–a period piece starring two actors–was showcased at the open house. Those in attendance were able to learn the ins and outs of a capstone project, and understand the director’s process and the emotions that played into the creation of their capstone.

“The goal of the open house was to bring all the students in the cinema program together and really celebrate the tremendous growth and success of the cinema program by networking, looking at faculty and student work, and celebrating seniors who are embarking on their capstones,” Professor Jenny Mackenzie said.


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