Looking out of the new main control room into what will be one of the new recording studios.
In Digital Audio, we have had quite the end of the 2020-21 year. We started the construction and renovation of the LC studios. The whole area is undergoing significant changes to the look, size, and feel, preparing it to be a fully immersive learning environment. We will have the beginnings of an art recording space with equipment that will put the department on the bleeding edge of technology. We will have a large control room, an isolation lock room that will serve as a secondary control room, and two major studio spaces. These changes will make it so that students are capable of working on individual projects simultaneously.
The old studio under construction and there is a piano inside that box.
The old control room will serve as a iso room as well as a second control room.
In addition to the new studio complex, we have revamped CS 623 and CS 622 to create a voice-over recording and mixing area and an audio restoration nook. With this, we have more working space available to students with more opportunities to get hands-on time in many processes that we were limited to because of space limitations.
An isolation booth for voice-over work now in CS 623.
Audio restoration area with dedicated computer and rack in CS 623.
Students might have thought this day would never come, but it has been on the faculty's mind constantly for the past 14 years. We will continue to look at ways to create the best audio program experience for our students.
Hands on mixing room in CS 622 next door to the main audio classroom.