Frequently Asked Questions

If you cannot find the answer to your question in these frequently asked questions, please contact at .

What type of documentation do I need to submit?

Documentation can be an audiogram or a letter from a licensed professional, such as an audiologist. An IEP/Evaluation Summary may also be submitted. If you do not have an audiogram, no problem! Complete the application and submit it.

When is the deadline for requesting services for classes?

Please request interpreters or transcribers as early as possible, preferably two weeks before the start of the semester.

What should I do on the first day of class?

Introduce yourself to your service providers.

How do I receive my accommodation letters?

Once you have been approved for services, log into the Clockwork Student Portal and click the “Request Accommodations” icon to request accommodation letters each semester. Letters will be emailed to your instructors.

What do I do if I’m going to miss class?

There are 2 ways to let us know your schedule has changed. You can send a Microsoft Teams message to Sarah Johnson, or email .

If I plan to be late to my class, when should I contact Accessibility Services?

Send a Microsoft Teams message as soon as possible to let us know.

What if I go to class and see a paper on the door that says “Class Canceled?”

Send a Microsoft Teams message as soon as possible to let us know.

What should I do if my professor cancels class?

Send a Microsoft Teams message as soon as possible to let us know.

If I’m receiving TypeWell services, when will I get the transcript?

Within 24 hours after the class ends.