Steps to Apply

  1. Determine a project and budget that will deliver program improvement and conform to the Carl Perkins Act 2006.
  2. The project leader (Faculty/Staff) needs to fill out the Perkins application document.
  3. Each project participant must read the terms and conditions before application submission.
  4. The signature on the application means that the applicant accepts the terms and conditions.
  5. Each applicant must complete the online training "Preparing for Perkins" – required training to apply for Perkins Grant funding. Applicants MUST register to take this course by emailing Seth Larson ([email protected]). 
  6. After a final review of the application the project leader will be notified via email of the funding decision.

Applications may be submitted to Wesley Thomas via e-mail ()

Application and Approval Process

Funds Source and Availability: Utah Valley University’s Career and Technical Education staff receives formal funding notification from the State of Utah within the first quarter of the academic fiscal year. The UVU CTE Office is generally approved to spend up to one-third of its approved allocation before October 1 of the current year. The remaining funds can be spent after UVU has received state notification within the second quarter of the year.

Application Requirements

  1. Faculty applicants must be full-time and teach within the approved CTE programs and courses.
  2. Responsible applicants may apply for funding consideration for one-time, short-term projects that can be completed within the funding cycle and that adhere to the federal guidelines established. Funds awarded, but not utilized within the funding period will be reclaimed and re-distributed.
  3. Supplement Not Supplant. Funds made available under this Act for career and technical education activities shall supplement, and shall not supplant, non-Federal funds expended to carry out career and technical education activities.
  4. CTE faculty/staff will need to read and agree to the Appropriate Uses and the Terms and Conditions before submitting an application for Perkin's funding.
  5. Equipment proposals are due to the UVU CTE Office by March 1st each year (or designated due date during the work week).
  6. Applicants are encouraged to use the terminology from the Appropriate Uses when writing the narrative for the application. Don't use numbers to refer to the uses.  Write out the uses in the application. 

Those interested in applying for a single-occurrence special project should contact the CTE Office – we'd be happy to help explore options for your project (in consultation with the Office of Sponsored Programs).

Approval Process

  1. A completed application will go through three levels of approvers
    • The Department Chair
    • The Dean
    • and The Director of CTE & Sponsored Grants.
  2. The CTE Director is the final approver of the Perkins application and decides if the application is approved, denied or needs to be revised and will also determine the amount of funds to allocate to the project in accordance and consultation with the local regional consortium.
  3. Capital equipment requests are reviewed and approved at the state level.
  4. After a final review of the application the project leader will be notified via email of the application decision
  5. For any additional questions contact the CTE Office at extension 5902

Appropriate Uses

Program Support

  1. Develop and implement evaluations of the technical education programs being carried out under Perkins funds.
  2. Initiate, improve, expand, and modernize the quality and technology in CTE programs.
  3. Provide funds for the purchasing, leasing and upgrading or adapting of equipment, and providing instructional aides in equipment labs.
  4. Strengthen the academic and career and technical components in CTE programs through integration of content aligned with academic standards.
  5. Provide students with strong experience and understanding in all aspects of an industry.
  6. Support training and preparation for nontraditional high-skill, high-wage and high-demand occupations.
  7. Improvement or development of new technical classes and/or degrees.
  8. Develop valid and reliable assessments of technical skills.
  9. Develop, improve or expand the use of technology in vocational/technical education.
  10. Establish effective programs and procedures to enable informed and effective participation and increase completion of technical programs.
  11. Provide students with mentoring and support services in technical areas.
  12. Provide instructional aides in technical classrooms and equipment labs.
  13. Provide support for other approved technical activities that are consistent with the purpose of the Perkins Act.

Outreach Initiatives

  1. Provide activities to prepare and support special populations who enroll in CTE programs. If you have any special populations you’d like to work with or questions about special populations in our region feel free to reach out to our office. Our Outreach Specialist will be able to help.
  2. Provide CTE programs for adults to upgrade their technical skills.
  3. Provide assessment of how the needs of special populations are being met through technical programs and activities.
  4. Developing and supporting small, personalized career-themed learning communities.
  5. Support partnerships among school districts, post-secondary institutions, and business to enable students to complete CTE pathway programs of study.
  6. Provide and improve career guidance and academic counseling to assist students in making informed decisions about their education and careers.
  7. Link secondary and post-secondary technical educational programs, including implementing CTE career pathways
  8. Assist technical student organizations.
  9. Provide assistance to students in finding appropriate jobs and continuing their education in vocational/technical areas.
  10. Provide support for other approved technical activities that are consistent with the purpose of the Perkins Act.

Professional Development

  1. Provide professional development programs, in-service and pre-service in state-of-the-art technical education programs and techniques to teachers, counselors, administrators, support staff, etc.
  2. Provide training of vocational/technical personnel to use state-of-the-art technology.
  3. Provide training in effective teaching skills based on new research.
  4. Provide training and technical assistance to high school and post-secondary counselors, teachers and administrators.
  5. Provide programs and training to ensure teachers and personnel stay current with all aspects of industry.
  6. Provide internship and externship (FIB) programs that provide business experience to teachers teaching in technical areas.
  7. Provide programs designed to specifically train teachers in the use and application of technology.
  8. Provide support for other approved technical activities that are consistent with the purpose of the Perkins Act.

Business, Industry and Economic Development

  1. Provide programs or activities that encourage industry to offer voluntary internships and mentoring programs.
  2. Provide programs or activities that encourage involvement in internship programs that provide business experience to teachers.
  3. Provide technical training for adults and school dropouts to complete their secondary education.
  4. Provide support for other approved technical activities that are consistent with the purpose of the 2006 Perkins Act.
Perkins Documentation

Perkins Documentation

The CTE Office will manage documentation to show compliance that Federal Funds are spent appropriately. Documents, such as the applications for both our Mountainland Regional Consortium and any internal applications from the departments at UVU, will be submitted to and maintained by the CTE office. Perkins Award allocation letters, Accountability Reports, and Inventory/Surplus records will also be required of both applicants and the CTE Office.

Inventory and Surplus

Inventory and Surplus

Mandated by federal regulations, the CTE Office and your department are required to maintain a current, complete and accurate inventory; which is available to unannounced inspection either from the CTE office, state or federal government representatives. To help you maintain proper records and be prepared for an inventory, this section outlines what you need to know.

Inventory Accountability and Responsibility:

 Perkins requires that all items purchased with Perkins funds be inventoried and tagged with UVU and CTE property labels. Perkins Project Leads are accountable and responsible for submitting the CTE Perkins Summary of Inventory Equipment Form to the CTE Office within 10 days of receiving equipment.

Surplus Inventory:

Perkins Project Leads are accountable and responsible for submitting the CTE Perkins Surplus Form, to the CTE office within 10 days before disposal of equipment from your department.

Summary of Inventory Equipment:

The CTE Perkins Summary of Inventory Equipment is a listing of all equipment that was purchased with Perkins funds for each participant’s index. Participant will need to sign and return this summary to the CTE Office; this signed document will verify that the listed equipment was received. The Career and Technical Education Office will send the Perkins participant the CTE Perkins Summary of Inventory Equipment when their Perkins project(s) is closed.

Inventory and Surplus Forms

 Both the CTE Perkins Summary of Inventory Equipment and CTE Perkins Surplus Forms will need to have the following information:

  • Equipment Description
  • Model Number or Make of Item
  • Serial Number
  • UVU Inventory Number
  • Perkins Index
  • Perkins Project Name
  • Responsible Person
  • Department
  • Location Room Number
  • Requisition Number
  • Purchase Order Number
  • Invoice Number
  • Quantity
  • Purchase Price
Purchasing Requirements

Purchasing Requirements

The procurement standards listed below are designed to ensure appropriate expenditures and empower managers to make good spending decisions and be responsible stewards of University funds. The CTE Office requires that materials and services are obtained in an effective manner and in compliance with the provision of applicable University, State and Federal policies and procedures.

  1. Purchases need to be made using the Perkins index given for the project. (One exception: If the purchase is made on a ProCard, the CTE office must receive a receipt before any funds are transferred to the department’s index.)
  2. Purchases made through a requisition should not include small inexpensive items. (Those items should be purchased with departmental funds.)
  3. When purchases are made with a requisition, the CTE office must receive a copy of the requisition, the purchase order and the invoice.
  4. For travel arrangements, the CTE office needs a copy of the flight information, any membership or conference receipts, a copy of the travel authorization, the travel reimbursement form, and any accompanying receipts.
  5. When items are received, don’t forget to call the PO number into the warehouse and let the CTE office know the date when you called.
  6. Purchases over $5,000.00 must be handled through the institution’s bid process.
  7. If purchases are made by giving a campus entity the index number (i.e. dining services, bookstore, etc.), the CTE needs documentation of that expenditure.
  8. Paperwork copies of expenditures need to be given to the CTE office in a timely manner. (The project will not be considered closed until all paperwork has been submitted.)

Helpful Purchasing Links

*All purchases are subject to UVU policies and procedures.



After the expenditures or implementation of the Perkins Award, the project lead will need to fill out an accountability report. The following practices and guidelines will help you document stewardship of any allocated funds:

Year End Accountability Report: Per the CTE Carl D. Perkins IV Grant Guidelines and Procedures, the Final Report (End of Year Report) is due in March on the designated date (refer to Perkins calendar located on the CTE web site) for the current year. Refer to the Appropriate Uses of Perkins funds when completing the report. The End of Year Report and Appropriate Uses can be downloaded from the CTE web site.

Procurement: The purpose of procurement standards are designed to ensure appropriate expenditures and empower managers to make good spending decisions and be responsible stewards of University funds. The CTE Office requires that materials and services are obtained in an effective manner and in compliance with the provision of applicable Federal statutes and executive orders.

Financial Management and Accountability: Recipients of Perkins funding are responsible for following the UVU Finance and Procurement Manual, UVU Travel Policies and Procedures and UVU Human Resource procedures for personnel. As a state institution of higher education, Utah Valley University must ensure that all university funds are used only to support appropriate university business. When the expenditure is funded by a Federal Grant, the use of the funds will be governed by the most restrictive conditions of the grant or university policy.

  1. Any adjustments on the approved budget require the Perkins Director’s prior approval. However, awarded contracts allow for a 10% below/above discrepancy of the awarded amount. If a project exceeds 10% of the original awarded amount, a revised Perkins Award Allocation will be created and emailed to the project lead.
  2. A requisition and purchase order is required for all purchases.
  3. Prior approval from the CTE Office is needed if a Department’s Pro Card and/or Index are used.
  4. Violations of procedures may result in the loss of funding or repayment of funds by the recipient in violation. The following constitutes a violation:
    • Final report not submitted
    • Late reporting
    • Overspending
    • Supplanting
    • Inappropriate use of funds
    • Not obtaining approval and/or signatures for reimbursements, travel authorizations, and/or expenditures, etc.
  5. Unapproved expenditures and overspending of the award amount are the responsibility of the project lead. If this happens, the department is responsible for paying for those unauthorized expenditures. Deficits may also result in the disqualification of the individual and/or department from applying for future funding. All Perkins accounts are monitored and reconciled by the CTE Office, and account documentation is utilized during state and federal audits.
  6. Departments must retain copies of expenditure documentation, and all supporting source documents that are charged as a direct cost on the sponsored project, for a period of at least three (3) years following final closeout of the award and payment. All recipients are fully responsible for their own project index.

Terms and Conditions

  1. The Project Leader and all Key Participants must digitally sign the web site form, indicating that they have read and understand UVU's Financial Affairs and Development, Human Resources policies and procedures, received proper approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) if the project involves research concerning human subjects and will abide by ALL Terms and Conditions of the CTE office (indicated below).
  2. The Office of Career & Technical Education (CTE) regularly funds projects based on specific criteria thoughtfully designed in support of CTE's overall mission within the institution and the community-at-large.
  3. When accepting funding from the CTE Office, those awarded must become familiar with all relevant UVU policies, as well as any state or federal statutes, regulations, etc. that may apply. The University Compliance Services can assist awardees in addressing such obligations. Those awarded must comply with the award allocation and the appropriate uses guidelines for managing a CTE Award, including the timely designation of a responsible party to oversee the financial obligations of the award. Funds cannot be accessed until those awarded attend Perkins Orientation and receive a BANNER index.
  4. Post-award administration begins the moment a project is funded. Those that are involved in the project must carefully examine the Terms and Conditions of the award allocation with regard to requirements for both financial management and non-financial management. Identifying any special Terms and Conditions at the outset is critical to assure appropriate post-award management of contract.
  5. CTE Terms and Conditions for Perkins funding obligates the receiver to use the funds as specified in the approved CTE contract, appropriate uses and within college policy, state and/or federal regulations. Any change in the scope or direction of an approved project must be approved and documented with the CTE office.
  6. It is important that those awarded put in place a sound plan for maintaining appropriate documentation of expenses and expenditures at the outset of a project. A plan for reporting project outcomes should be made as early in the project as reasonable. CTE awardees will be expected to complete the following: a. The Project Lead must attend Perkin’s Orientation before access to the funds is given. b. The Project Lead must complete the online template for the Year End Accountability Report in accordance to the dates on the CURRENT Perkin’s Calendar for end of year reporting.