Career and Technical Education (CTE) plays a vital economic role by addressing high-growth industry needs and closing the skills gap. It also provides skilled workers to the local economy. CTE academic departments are encouraged to partner with industry and participate in an externship program which provides faculty with industry experience and strengthens local economic ties.
Full-time UVU faculty members teaching in a CTE two-year program (teaching lower division curriculum) are invited to apply for payment and benefits coverage for a one (40 hour) or two week (80 hour) period to work in a business or industry which requires skills representative of those taught by the instructor in his/her department. Faculty may do a one-week externship, two - one-week externships, or a two-week externship. Faculty can only do two weeks within the fiscal year. This experience needs to be completed within the current academic year (refer to schedule listed below). Any contracts with the university for lecturers and instructors may preclude eligibility for FIB. Lecturers and Instructors cannot be contracted to teach any classes during the same block as their externship and eligibility for FIB will be determined by People & Culture and the Office of Sponsored Programs.
Upon receipt of this introductory information, instructors should make initial contact with the business/industry partner and have them sign the application. With a firm commitment from the employer and endorsement from the department chair, the instructor may go ahead and submit the application to the CTE office. All requested application information must be complete. All applications must be submitted by the deadline to be considered for funding. The CTE Office will review applications and select participants based upon instructor, departmental and program needs as well as economic and industry need determined in the regional needs assessment performed by the CTE Collaboration Consortium.
March 31, 2025
Spring Time Frame - May 5 to June 27, 2025
Awards will be sent out in April.
May 30, 2025
Summer Time Frame – June 23 to August 15, 2025
Awards will be sent out in July.
Upon completion of the externship, participants are required to submit an End of Year Report and their hours log. A lump sum payment will be paid through the regular payroll system. The payment for the one-week (40 hour) externship can be up to $1,250, and the two-week (80 hour) externship will be up to $2,500. Workers’ Compensation Insurance, Social Security, and Retirement will be provided by the college at the faculty’s normal rate. Any personal tax withholding etc. will be taken out at the faculty’s normal rate. If the externship employer decides to extend the externship, the applicant becomes the company’s employee for the extended time period, and the employer is responsible to pay the faculty’s salary and benefits for that time period. The salary and payment by the employer for time beyond the one- or two-week externship will be negotiated between the faculty member and the employer and will be paid directly to the faculty member by the employer.