

Petition submission is currently closed and will reopen on February 5.


The Purpose of Petitions

  • We know that sometimes classes are just plain hard - trust us, we've been there.  Petitions are not for these times.  
  • We also know that life happens, and sometimes things occur that no one can control.  We call these "extenuating circumstances" and it is for these circumstances that petitions are available.
  • When life happens, students have the opportunity to petition for certain changes by providing documents to prove what has happened and how it was out of their control.

Please note: A student must be admitted to UVU under the admission status High School Concurrent Enrollment during the semester-in-question to be eligible to use this petition process (Reference Step 1: Admission --

Academic Petitions

This process provides an opportunity to request a change to your academic transcript based on extenuating circumstances.


Policies and Guidelines:

The UVU Concurrent Enrollment Exceptions Committee reviews academic petitions in two ways:

  1. We first review semester deadlines, student dates of withdrawal, and the instructor-submitted last date of attendance. Considering all these factors, some changes can be made without additional review.
  2. After the screening described above, the exception committee may need to review documentation to prove extenuating circumstances.
    • Letters of support from family and friends are welcome; however, they cannot be the sole basis of supporting documentation. For example, if you've been speaking with a school counselor about the claim you are using in your petition, a letter from them can qualify as supporting documentation. 


Examples of these circumstances are given below.


Extenuating Circumstances

For all petition types, the following are examples of extenuating circumstances that are beyond a student's control. Regardless of the circumstance, documentation to verify must be provided.

Incapacitating illness or medical event of a student or a student’s close relative which prevented the student from consistently attending or participating in his/her concurrent enrollment class(es).

Minimum Documentation Required

Signed letter (on letterhead) from a licensed care provider. The licensed care provider must indicate that the illness or medical event was incapacitating and made successful completion of the course(s) impossible.

Death of a close relative.

Minimum Documentation Required

Obituary, death certificate, or funeral services program.

Other circumstances deemed extenuating by the student, exceptions committee and/or its designee(s).

Minimum Documentation Required

Student must provide documentation to support claim. Additional documentation may be required and, therefore, requested.

*The following examples are meant to offer suggestions on how to collect supporting documentation to complete your petition.

Please note: The list below is not exhaustive. Other extenuating circumstances may require different documentation.



1. Mis-information given?

Example Documentation: If a student feels he/she was given misinformation, or no information at all, regarding concurrent enrollment dates and/or deadlines,  a letter from the student's high school concurrent enrollment coordinator, instructor, or counselor corroborating the claim-in-question is required.


2. Missed a registration deadline due to a technical issue?

Example Documentation: Supply a screen shot of computer error.


3. Change in work schedule as required by current employer

Example Documentation: Signed, dated letter (on letterhead) from current employer indicating a required change in work schedule that directly conflicts with the student’s course schedule.

How to Petition

  1. Use the link below to submit a petition to Concurrent Enrollment Office.
  2. Complete form and attach all applicable documentation.
    • Please Note: Incomplete petitions will be automatically denied.
  3. Petitions are generally reviewed within 5-10 business days. Regularly check your email, which is where all communication will be sent.
    • Please Note: Petition decisions can generally take longer if submitted within peak registration periods (August-September  | January-February)


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.