Please note: A student must be admitted to UVU under the admission status High School Concurrent Enrollment during the semester-in-question to be eligible to use this petition process (Reference Step 1: Admission --
This process provides an opportunity to request a change to your academic transcript based on extenuating circumstances.
Policies and Guidelines:
The UVU Concurrent Enrollment Exceptions Committee reviews academic petitions in two ways:
Examples of these circumstances are given below.
For all petition types, the following are examples of extenuating circumstances that are beyond a student's control. Regardless of the circumstance, documentation to verify must be provided.
Incapacitating illness or medical event of a student or a student’s close relative which prevented the student from consistently attending or participating in his/her concurrent enrollment class(es).
Signed letter (on letterhead) from a licensed care provider. The licensed care provider must indicate that the illness or medical event was incapacitating and made successful completion of the course(s) impossible.
Death of a close relative.
Obituary, death certificate, or funeral services program.
Other circumstances deemed extenuating by the student, exceptions committee and/or its designee(s).
Student must provide documentation to support claim. Additional documentation may be required and, therefore, requested.
*The following examples are meant to offer suggestions on how to collect supporting documentation to complete your petition.
Please note: The list below is not exhaustive. Other extenuating circumstances may require different documentation.
1. Mis-information given?
Example Documentation: If a student feels he/she was given misinformation, or no information at all, regarding concurrent enrollment dates and/or deadlines, a letter from the student's high school concurrent enrollment coordinator, instructor, or counselor corroborating the claim-in-question is required.
2. Missed a registration deadline due to a technical issue?
Example Documentation: Supply a screen shot of computer error.
3. Change in work schedule as required by current employer
Example Documentation: Signed, dated letter (on letterhead) from current employer indicating a required change in work schedule that directly conflicts with the student’s course schedule.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.