Application Process

Application Deadlines: 

Fall 2025 semester & Full Year 2025-2026 : June 1, 2025 

Spring 2026 semester: November 1, 2025

Exploring CE Courses


Concurrent Enrollment Master List

UVU offers more than 170 different courses as Concurrent Enrollment. UVU and USBE State Specialists determine alignments of the strands and standards of each course that goes through the course approval process to teach as CE. Once at least an 80% match is determined, the course is approved to be taught at the high schools in the service region.

To view which UVU courses are eligible for Concurrent Enrollment, visit the State CE Master List website and select “UVU” as the institution:  USHE List

  • For the high school to receive funding from CE, the high school registrar must use the 11-digit CIP (Core Code).


Review the UVU Syllabus for the course you are interested in offering to dive deeper into the curriculum, grading scale, and student learning outcomes in the course: 

UVU Syllabus

Application Types

Course Classifications

All UVU courses eligible for CE are divided into academic or CTE classifications. The course's classification will determine which instructor application to fill out and what instructor qualifications are required per the Utah State Board of Regents. Find your course classification on this list:



Qualifications set by the Utah Board of Regents are determined by course classification (Academic, CTE, Math). The instructor must meet at least ONE of the qualification provisions. If “Qualifying Experience” is selected, please provide a brief reasoning of what that experience is for the department to review.

If you have questions about you meeting the qualifications to teach a course, reach out to the UVU Department Liaison:

UVU Department Contacts

Academic Course Qualifications

  1. A Master’s Degree or higher in the CE course’s academic field
  2. A Master’s Degree or higher in any Academic field and at least 18 completed credit hours of graduate course work in an academic field that is relevant to the CE course
  3. Qualifying experience, as determined by the institution of higher education

CTE Course Qualifications

  1. A degree in the course’s Academic field
  2. A certificate in the course’s Academic field
  3. Industry certification in the course’s Academic field
  4. Qualifying Experience

Math Course Qualifications

  1. Level 4 Mathematics endorsement and a Bachelor’s Degree in Math or Math Ed
  2. A Master’s Degree in Math or Math Ed
  3. A Master’s Degree or higher in Math or Math Ed. and at least 18 completed credit hours of graduate course work in Mathematics

Assemble the Application

There are three main parts you will submit to the CE office with your application.

  1. Resume
  2. Credentials
    1. Depending on the type of Application you fill out (Academic, CTE, Math) you will be required to submit your unofficial college transcripts AND additional credentials for the department to review. If you are a veteran CE instructor, please contact Becca Rothey to view the credentials we have on file for you.
      • Unofficial College Transcripts: Include ALL of your unofficial college transcripts.
      • Endorsements: Include a copy of your endorsement in the course content area.
      • Certifications: Include a copy of your certifications in the course content area.
      • ACTFL Certificate: For all SPAN 1020 and 2010 courses.
    2. If “Qualifying Experience” is selected, please provide a brief reasoning of what that experience is for the department to review.
  3. CE Office Application
    1. One Application Per Course
      • If you are applying to teach multiple courses at once, do not combine multiple course information on one application.
    2. Fill each portion of the application out completely. If you have any questions regarding how to fill out a portion of the application, please do not hesitate to reach out to Nicole Thomas (). 
    3. This application is what the department reviews and how your course will be set up if approved. Please fill this out with accuracy.
    4. Course Information Help
      • The bottom box with the Course Information will require you to put the course information you are applying to teach. Most of this information is found on the State Master List.


Application Deadlines

  • Fall 2025 Semester: June 1, 2025
  • Full Year 2025-2026: June 1, 2025
  • Spring 2026 Semester: November 1, 2025

From June 2nd - August 1st, applications are processed only when a current CE instructor suddenly gives notice of retirement or resigns after June 1st.

After August 1st and November 1st, all applications submitted will be processed for the following semester/school year. No exceptions.