UVU Biology S-STEM Scholarship

What is the S-STEM Scholarship?

Scholarship recipients will receive full tuition for the remainder of their degree, up to 6 semesters.
They will also receive an allowance for books and supplies, and up to $2,000 each year to cover research equipment and travel to present research.

Scholars will work closely with faculty research mentors until they graduate and will immerse themselves in the process of science.
Regular meetings, reading clubs, and networking events will aid in retention and scholastic achievement. 

- Must have earned 60 or fewer credit hours (including transfer credit) at time of application and have at least 2 years left to graduate
- Must demonstrate financial need in accordance with the Department of Education FAFSA rules for federal financial aid (see the Financial Aid office if you are unsure)
- Must be a U.S. Citizen, foreign national, or refugee
- Must be a major in a biological field (Biology, Botany, Biotechnology, Microbiology and Bioinformatics) to receive award
- Must maintain a 3.0 GPA to stay in the scholarship program

Deadline (firm):April 1, 2025 at 5pm

Application materials needed:

  • You must fill out your FAFSA before applying.
  • Name
  • StudentID
  • Current GPA (incl. Transfer credit awarded)
  • ACT/SAT (if you took either of these tests)
  • Current/planned major: Biol, Bot, or Biotech (must be declared before start date of scholarship, or must be enrolled in BIOL1610 during the Fall 2021 semester with stated intention of declaring one of those majors as soon as possible)
  • current citizenship status (citizen, resident, refugee)
  • Please list any awards or honors you have received in high school or college (do not need to be academic awards).
  • Please describe any service or community involvement activities that you currently participate in.
  • Please list any AP classes that you took during high school, along with your score on the AP exam.

Please write a personal essay that addresses the following:
1. Share an experience from your life where you've demonstrated perseverance and determination and how it has influenced your academic aspirations.
2. Your motivation for pursuing a STEM degree
3. A brief description of your career/professional goals

Please write a summary of a potential research topic you are interested in.

Even if you have no experience in research, describe a research topic of biology that you are interested in, including why it is of interest to you. In your description you should include some background on the topic that describes the current research in the field. This background should include references.

Application process:

Fill out your FAFSA before applying for this scholarship

(Submission form link will be provided as soon as it is available.)

Deadline to submit application form is April 1, 2025 at 5pm

Applications will be reviewed by selection committee – Late April
Finalist applicants will be contacted to schedule a brief personal interview – Mid May
Notification of awards – Mid June

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q.        I’m technically a Junior, with 62 earned credits. Can I apply?
A.        No. You must have 60 or fewer credits, including transfer credits, to qualify.

Q.        I’m not a Biology major, but I plan on declaring one of the valid Biology majors. Can I apply?
A.        Yes. You cannot declare a Biology, Botany, or Biotechnology major until you have completed BIOL1610. If you intend to declare a valid Biology major, but have not yet completed BIOL1610, you will need to enroll in that course for the Fall 2025 semester. If you do not, or if you fail to declare as one of the three valid Biology majors before Spring 2025, you will be ineligible for continuing with this scholarship program.

Q.        What sorts of things do I have to do as part of this program?
A.        Your first semester (Fall 2025), you will enroll in a special topics course that introduces you to undergraduate research and mentored research opportunities at UVU. You will have the opportunity to interact with many professors and get a taste of what undergraduate research is like in their labs. You will then select a faculty mentor and work together to develop a research plan. For the duration of your undergraduate degree, you will work closely with your faculty and other professional mentors, carry out research, attend networking and other events with the cohort of S-STEM scholars, and travel to present research findings at scientific conferences.

Q.        I’ve never done research before. Will my application be competitive?
A.        Yes! Every scholarship recipient will be trained in pertinent research methodologies. No prior experience is assumed.

Q.        I have a GPA of 2.9. Can I apply?
A.        Yes. But unless you bring your GPA up to 3.0 minimum before the start of the Fall 2025 semester, you cannot receive funds.