Bachelors Degree in Biology

Learning Outcomes for Bachelors Degree in Biology

  • Apply the process of science through the use of hypothesis testing in the design and completion of scientific experiments.
  • Critically evaluate scientific information.
  • Quantitatively analyze scientific data through graph interpretation, statistical analysis, and problem solving.
  • Effectively communicate scientific information in both written and oral formats.
  • Explain fundamental biological concepts including cell biology, genetics, evolution, ecological principles, organismal biology, and biodiversity.
  • Apply scientific concepts both across and outside of biology that demonstrate interdisciplinary understanding.

About UVU's BS in Biology

Students interested in a career in biology or a related field are encouraged to earn at least a baccalaureate degree (BS). Many professions (e.g. pharmacy, medicine) require additional post-baccalaureate education. The Bachelor of Science in Biology Degree may be used for entry into a career or in preparation for post-baccalaureate (for masters and doctoral degrees) or professional (e.g. medical, dental) education.

The UVU Biology program offers a variety of courses that investigate the living world, including courses in biology, botany, ecology, genetics, human anatomy, human physiology, conservation biology, microbiology, zoology and others. A course of study may be designed to provide breadth in the life sciences or to prepare students for a specific area of biology.

Bachelors Degree in Biotechnology

Learning Outcomes for Bachelors Degree in Biotechnology

  • Apply the process of science through the use of hypothesis testing in the design and completion of scientific experiments.
  • Critically evaluate scientific information.
  • Quantitatively analyze scientific data through graph interpretation, statistical analysis, and problem solving.
  • Effectively communicate scientific information in both written and oral formats.
  • Explain fundamental biological concepts including molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, and evolution.

About UVU’s BS in Biotechnology

  • Biotechnology harnesses the power of the natural world to develop solutions to improve our lives, our health, and the health of our planet. A B.S. in Biotechnology at UVU is an incredibly versatile degree which emphasizes hands on experiments and internships, ultimately providing a large number of potential career options. Many students with a degree in Biotechnology find employment at local companies such as ARUP, BioMerieux, Myriad Genetics, and Nelson Laboratories. With additional education, majors can go on to careers in law, medicine, agriculture, entrepreneurship, regulatory affairs, non-profit work, or research.
  • The biotechnology major emphasizes laboratory experiences in addition to a theoretical science background. As a major you will learn skills such as recombinant DNA technology, gene cloning, bioinformatic DNA sequence analysis, protein expression and purification, bacterial and mammalian cell culture, and experimental design.
  • A unique feature of the major is the internship, during which students conduct research at either a local biotech company, or under the mentorship of a professor at UVU. Many of these projects are student-designed and led, tailored to their interests. The Biotech Program also runs a contract research organization, InnovaBio, where students work as interns for local companies through contract work. Altogether, students gain over 600 hours of lab training and skills on their way to receiving a B.S. in Biotechnology.

SLCC Transfer

Students who are transferring from SLCC with an A.S. degree in biotechnology will need to fulfill additional lower division requirements at SLCC if they do not wish to travel to the Orem campus. Only classes that are 3000 and 4000 level will be taught on the West Jordan campus of SLCC. That means students will need to complete the following courses at SLCC before they attend UVU if they do not wish to travel to the Orem campus:

  • All Biotechnology courses listed on the Biotechnology Degree Guide.
  • All of your chemistry, except Biological chemistry and its lab
  • All of your physics (2010, 2015, 2020, 2025)
  • Math 2040
  • Microbiology 2060
  • American Institutions
  • Diversity course (check the transfer articulation to be sure that you will receive G credit to fulfill the Global Intercultural requirement)
  • Any other general education and biotechnology courses to complete the A.S. degree

Basically, any courses that are 1000 or 2000 level on the course sequence should be taken at SLCC if the student does not desire to travel to the UVU main campus in Orem for courses.

Bachelors Degree in Bioinformatics

Learning Outcomes for Bachelors Degree in Bioinformatics

  • Demonstrate mastery of the core concepts of bioinformatics as derived from the associated fields of biology, computer science, mathematics,informatics, and chemistry.
  • Utilize existing software to extract, compile, and analyze information from large databases.
  • Create data science pipelines and/or computer programs that facilitate biological data analysis.
  • Complete a project in bioinformatics and communicate the outcomes effectively by participation in one or more of the following: an internship, a professional presentation, mentored research, or as coauthor of a peer-reviewed publication (or other approved activity).

About UVU’s BS in Bioinformatics

Students in UVU’s bioinformatics program are at the exciting new intersection between computer science and biology, where they will learn how to use computational and statistical methods to understand and analyze complex biological information. Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary program that provides students scientific laboratory skills, computer programming capabilities, and statistical analytics necessary for 21st century biology. Studying bioinformatics will prepare students for some of the fastest growing, high-demand careers in fields such as biotechnology, healthcare, and environmental sciences. Students in this program are highly encouraged to participate in undergraduate research with faculty mentors. Our UVU faculty can provide diverse research opportunities in fields including phylogenetics, genomics, environmental microbiology, computational science and data science. Many of our students will be able to present or publish on their work before graduation.

Bachelors Degree in Microbiology

Learning Outcomes for Bachelors Degree in Microbiology

  • Apply the process of science through the use of hypothesis testing in the design and completion of scientific experiments.
  • Critically evaluate scientific information.
  • Quantitatively analyze scientific data through graph interpretation, statistical analysis, and problem solving.
  • Effectively communicate scientific information in both written and oral formats.
  • Explain fundamental biological concepts including microbial genetics and molecular biology, ecology and environmental microbiology, and physiology and biochemistry

About UVU’s BS in Microbiology

Students in UVU’s microbiology program will examine the roles and interactions of microbial populations in aquatic, terrestrial, human, animal, and plant systems. While microorganisms are most known for their ability to cause disease, they are ubiquitous on earth and central to many of the essential life processes on this planet. Students in this program will examine the field of microbiology as a major contributor to human, animal, plant, and environmental health. Studying microbiology will prepare students to go to medical, dental, veterinary, or graduate school, and also provides them a highly employable career option in healthcare, industry, or government agencies. Students in this program are highly encouraged to participate in undergraduate research with faculty mentors. The UVU microbiology program provides research opportunities in diverse microbial fields including environmental microbiology, bacterial pathogenesis, mycology, plant virology, and microbiome research. Many of our students will be able to present or publish on their work before graduation.

Bachelors Degree in Botany

Learning Outcomes for Bachelors Degree in Botany

  • Apply the process of science through the use of hypothesis testing in the design and completion of scientific experiments.
  • Critically evaluate scientific information.
  • Quantitatively analyze scientific data through graph interpretation, statistical analysis, and problem solving.
  • Effectively communicate scientific information in both written and oral formats.
  • Explain fundamental biological concepts including taxonomy, systematics, ecological principles, physiology and diversity.

About UVU’s BS in Botany

UVU’s botany program provides students with a solid background in the general sciences (biology chemistry, math, and physics), preparing them for placement in entry level botany/biology positions, or acceptance into graduate level programs. We offer a variety of upper division botany courses from which students may tailor their degree.

Students are also highly encouraged to participate in undergraduate research with faculty mentors. Many of our students have published their work prior to graduation. Undergraduate research prepares students for careers, or graduate school opportunities.

UVU botany program offers research laboratories, three climate greenhouse facilities, Utah native plant garden, and both a physical and virtual herbarium. In addition, UVU operates a field station within Capitol Reef National Park.

Bachelors Degree in Biology Education

Learning Outcomes for Bachelors Degree in Biology Education

  • Demonstrate an overall knowledge of biology needed to teach in the secondary education system.
  • Pass the State Praxis Test Scores
  • Students who gain employment in secondary education will demonstrate skill and knowledge in pedagogy.

About UVU’s BS in Biology Education

Graduates with a bachelor´s degree in Biology Education will be qualified to obtain state licensure to teach at the secondary level, and the degree fulfills the requirements for the Biological Science Composite Major endorsement. If the student completes additional chemistry and earth science courses, then the student may also qualify for other teaching endorsements in the sciences.

Current employment opportunities for graduates from Biology Education programs are strong, particularly for those who also have a chemistry endorsement or integrated science endorsement in addition to the biological science composite endorsement.

The following information is from “Supply and Demand Needs of K-12 Education in the State of Utah 2005-2006” published by the Utah System of Higher Education:

  1. Teacher demand in Utah is critically outstripping the supply of new teachers being provided by Utah colleges and universities.
  2. About half of all attrition in 2005-2006 was due to retirement reflecting the relatively large number of educators becoming eligible for retirement in Utah. Data suggest this will continue for the next decade.
  3. If attrition and growth continue at current rates (which they are likely to do) without a parallel increase in newly trained educators (which isn´t currently in the works), Utah will face a severe teacher shortage crisis unlike anything it has ever experienced within just a year or two.
  4. Because Utah´s colleges of education aren´t producing sufficient numbers of new educators, Utah school districts are relying more heavily upon former teachers, retirees, out-of-state recruiting, and to a lesser extent alternative certification programs to meet their unmet teacher needs. The supply of former teachers and retirees is restricted; and, anecdotally, districts are reporting that this is having the effect of significantly reducing their substitute reserves. If this were a water study, the conclusion would be that the water table is shrinking and that underground water is drying up quickly.
  5. Utah school districts are especially facing severe difficulty in finding and hiring teachers in specific areas of special education (severely handicapped and mild/moderate), math, science, and early childhood education (K-3). With increased math and science requirements being introduced into Utah´s secondary schools, the demand for math and science teachers will grow even more rapidly
  6. Although more stable with regards to long-term retention, the ranks of Utah´s non-teaching professional educators showed a significant turnover with 8.4% leaving in 2005-2006. Nearly two-thirds were attributable to retirement which again reflects the aging population of Utah´s educators.

Will Biology Education meet the educational requirements for the professional credential in the state or US territory you might choose to live during or after completing your UVU degree? Visit the UVU Professional Licensure website to learn more!

BS/BA in Integrated Studies with Biology Emphasis

Many opportunities exist for advanced and professional degrees for those completing the Bachelor Degree in Integrated Studies (IS) program (law school, medical and dental schools, MBA, MPA, etc) and in the business environment. Many employers seek students with skills gained from liberal arts programs like Integrated Studies. These skills include the ability to comprehend diverse material, to write clearly, to think critically, to work cooperatively, and to become adept at problem solving.

The individualized nature of the Integrated Studies degree is attractive to students with multiple interests who want to develop skills that are relevant to a variety of careers. Students integrate course work in emphases such as science, business, health, literature, languages, communication, philosophy, behavioral science, social science and the arts. Emphases from computer science and information systems, accounting, technology and trades and physical education are also offered as part of this degree. Following are the key knowledge, skill, and ability goals for students who complete an Emphasis in Earth Science as part of their Integrated Studies degree.

AS/AA in Biology

Learning Outcomes for Associate Degrees in Biology

  • Demonstrate knowledge of cellular and organismal biology.Demonstrate a knowledge of molecular biology and genetics.
  • Demonstrate a knowledge of molecular genetics and principles of inheritance
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of ecology emphasizing organisms’ interdependency for survival and for quality of life in the biosphere.
  • Recognize evolution as the unifying theory within biology and demonstrate a knowledge of the role of mutation and natural selection in the evolutionary process.
  • Biology graduates applying to post-graduate studies will be accepted into graduate, medical or dental schools.

About UVU’s AS in Biology

The Associate in Science Degree is intended for students who plan to use it as a first step toward a baccalaureate degree. The AS degree may be granted to those who do not continue in a bachelor’s program and meet the minimum requirements. It is highly recommended that those who receive an associate degree continue on to receive a Bachelors of Science Degree in biology.


Minor in Biology

Learning Outcomes for Associate Degree in Biology

  • Critically evaluate scientific information.
  • Quantitatively analyze scientific data through graph interpretation, statistical analysis, and problem solving.
  • Explain fundamental biological concepts including cell biology, genetics, evolution, ecological principles, organismal biology, and biodiversity.

About UVU’s Minor in Biology

A Minor in Biology allows students to gain valuable experience in the biological sciences while completing their primary field of study. A Minor in Biology allows students to take advanced biology coursework related to their field of interest. The biology minor complements the skills the student gains in his or her major program by providing an underlying scientific base upon which to build a career in any field of study.