How to Save Time in Annual Reviews

How to Save Everyone's Time in Annual Reviews - A CHSS Teaching Committee Workshop

On March 22, 2024, three CHSS Department Chairs shared their thoughts on how to help the annual review process go smoothly. View the recording on Microsoft Stream (log in with UVU Credentials).

Below are some additional tips from CHSS Department Chairs, not just the panel:


  • Be specific and provide evidence. 
  • Try to be succinct.  
  • Be realistic.  
  • Take responsibility for your decisions and actions. Give yourself credit for actions with good consequences. Don’t ignore evidence of having struggled or failed.  
  • Pay attention to—and try to briefly describe—significant patterns of numerical and written SRI feedback from students. 


  • Too short or devoid of the information that the department chair needs to do the evaluation based on written materials and documentation. 
  • extraordinarily long and extremely detailed annual reviews 
  • Claiming unwarranted excellence, that is, without evidence (or with contradictory evidence) 
  • Rebutting every negative student comment 
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