Individuals who earn a degree in School Health Education are prepared to teach junior high or high school health classes. They can work in public or private schools and are required to obtain a state-issued certification or license. Secondary school health educators teach lessons and skills based on approved state curriculum. These topics include healthy behaviors, mental and emotional health, substance abuse prevention, nutrition, and human development. Health teachers also create assignments, develop and administer assessments, grade student work, maintain student academic grades, communicate with students, parents, and colleagues on a regular basis, serve on committees, collaborate and participate in professional development.
Students MUST have a Secondary Education degree to certify with the School Health Education Endorsement.
Total Program Credits: 26
The Bachelor of Science in School Health Education prepares students to serve as competent and effective school health educators. School Health Education graduates are equipped with knowledge and skills to help youth develop, improve, and maintain healthy lifestyles. School Health students will be prepared to plan, create, implement and assess health lesson plans in a school setting as they pertain to the State of Utah Health Curriculum.
Total Program Credits: 120