honor. protect. serve. 

This is job security at its finest. More than 80% of our most recent graduates already had jobs lined up before graduation.  
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police academy uvu utah valley university

Protect and provide for your family


UVU offers the only satellite academy of Utah Peace Officer Standards and Training in Utah county. Through two modules, Special Functions Officer (SFO) and Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) graduates will become certifiable as Utah Law Enforcement officers. 


Tuition, fees, uniforms, and ammunition costs total approximately $6,000 for both modules. Successful completion of the academy earns cadets 18 credits that can be used as electives towards a criminal justice bachelor's degree. The low cost and time commitment make the academy a valuable career investment.


Graduation from the academy qualifies graduates to be hired by any city, county, or state law enforcement agency in Utah.  Over 50 experienced professional instructors work with students to build the respect, knowledge, and discipline required in the law enforcement culture.

Start your career in as little as six months

Get Started Today

police officer uvu utah valley university police academy

"My dad was a deputy sheriff my entire childhood and I saw the daily impact he had on our community. He loved his job for 30 years and retired the year I started.” - Officer Tracy


We'd love to tell you more about becoming a Police Officer.

If you’d like to learn more about our program, current faculty and staff, application deadlines, details about class dates and times, and prerequisite requirements --enter your information below and we'll get back to you quickly.