Make a difference in the lives of others by beginning with your own. Online and on your own time, a Bachelor of Science in Emergency Services Administration prepares leaders to take on the future without interrupting the present.
The 100% web-based degree program is designed with the working student in mind. Accessible 24/7, industry-current online courses are easy to navigate from anywhere, at any time. An advisement center designed specifically to assist distance education students is available to provide quick answers to questions and concerns.
Students enrolled in the UVU Emergency Services Administration Program qualify for a per-credit tuition rate that is significantly lower than that of competing programs. Utah residents pay the standard competitive UVU tuition costs, while non-residents pay only $270.00 per credit and a $40.00 distant education fee.
You may be able to receive credit for work-related certifications and experience. Please discuss certifications and credentials with your academic advisor - request more info to get started.
This online baccalaureate program combines the professional skills of specialized areas of homeland security, criminal justice, and emergency management with research and analytical skills. Students will examine the roots of terrorism, response methods to weapons of mass destruction and other disaster incidents, crisis negotiation, and conflict resolution while maintaining their own working lifestyles from anywhere in the U.S.
Utah Valley University is accredited by Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. As a testament to the thoughtful and thorough nature of this program, the ESA online degree has also been accredited by the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC).