
The National Science Foundation (NSF)'s Building Exceptional Talent in Engineering & Computing (BE-TEC) Scholarship Program provides opportunity to academically promising students studying Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Software Engineering.

The NSF BE-TEC scholarship has $1,499,988 to give students over a 6 year period, offering an average of 23 scholarships per year.

Being a recipient of this scholarship is a very presitgious achivement - one thats resume-worthy.

This award was granted to Dr. Afsaneh Minaie, Princible Investigator (PI)  with Co-PI Dr. Reza Sanati-Mehrizy and Co-PI Dr. Ehsan Rohani. And additional support Senior personel  Dr. Kazem Sohraby, Dr. Mark Nardin, and Dr. Mohammad Shekaramiz


  • Must be a US Citizen, Permenant Resident, US National, or admitted refugee
  • Must be a Full-time student majoring in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or Software Engineering
  • Must have unmet financial needs in accordance with the Department of Educations FASFA rules

How To Apply

Go to UVU's scholarship webpage for application information


  • The College of Engineering and Technology was given $1,499,988 over 6 years
  • This is a renewable award throughout the student's 4-year college experience, beginning their Freshman year.
  • The award covers the student's tuition and fees 

Ongoing Student Requirements

If one wishes to renew this scholarship, then they must agree to the following:
  • Maintain an overall GPA of at least 3.0
  • Be a full-time student (minimum of 12 credits per semester)
  • Meet with your faculty mentor twice per semester (monthly for the first year) and create an IEDP (Individual and Development Plan). In these meetings, the faculty mentor will assess the need for tutoring or other services, plan a graduate school application or an employment strategy, and/or receive referrals to other campus resources
  • Participate in common coursework (CS 1400) to the extent possible
  • Attend the initial meeting (Meet Your Faculty Mentor Night) and the two monthly BE-TEC meetings each semester
  • Meet with your academic advisor at least once each semester to plan your program coursework
  • Participate in UVU's student organizations and try to serve as an officer in those organizations (Ex. IEEE, CE club, Robotics club)
  • Participate in collaborative projects in the UVU's student organizations