Todd Moon
Utah State University
Abstract: Introduction to Polar Codes
Polar codes are a new family of error correction codes that provably achieve channel capacity. The codes have fast O(N log N) encoding complexity and fast O(N log N) decode complexity, with non-iterative decoding and with soft decision decoding. Polar codes are based on fundamental results in information theory, basically derived from the chain rule for mutual information. The tutorial will present the basics of the polar code formulation, “polarization,” encoding algorithms, and decoding algorithms. Extensions to listbased decoding will also be presented. Comparisons will be made between polar codes and other modern codes such as LDPC codes.
Todd K. Moon is a professor of Electrical Engineering at Utah State University, where he has been since 1991. His research interests include digital communication, signal processing, and error correction coding. He is the author of two graduate-level textbooks, including “Error Correction Coding: Mathematical Methods and Algorithms”.
i-ETC will offer a number of student awards for papers/posters that are accepted and
presented at the i-ETC 2020 conference.
The first author must be a student.
Student Paper Awards
First Engineering Paper Award
(Certificate and $300)
Second Engineering Paper Award
(Certificate and $200)
Third Engineering Paper Award
(Certificate and $100)
Student Poster Awards
First Poster Award
(Certificate and $300)
Second Poster Award
(Certificate and $200)
Third Poster Award
(Certificate and $100)
Student Paper Awards
First Computing Paper Award
(Certificate and $300)
Second Computing Paper Award
(Certificate and $200)
Third Computing Paper Award
(Certificate and $100)
Student Poster/Paper Awards
ACI Paper/Poster Award
(Certificate and $200)
The award is sponsored by the American Concrete Institute (ACI: Intermountain Chapter)
Student Paper Awards
First Technology Paper Award
(Certificate and $300)
Second Technology Paper Award
(Certificate and $200)
Third Technology Paper Award
(Certificate and $100)