Masood Parvania
University of Utah
Abstract: Artificial Intelligence for Enhancing the Cyber-Physical Resilience of Power Distribution Systems
Power distribution systems are under growing threats, ranging from large-scale outages caused by natural disasters to cyber-attacks. This talk will discuss opportunities for artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance the cyber-physical resilience of power distribution systems. Models will be presented to enhance the cyber-physical situational awareness of power distribution systems, and to automate the response and recovery operation after cyber and physical threats.
Dr. Masood Parvania is the Director of Utah Smart Energy Laboratory, and Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Research and Advancement of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, at the University of Utah. His research interests include the operation, economics and resilience of power and energy systems, and modeling and operation of interdependent critical infrastructures. Dr. Parvania serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, the IEEE Power Engineering Letters, and the IET Renewable Power Generation. He is the Chair of IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Utah Chapter, the Chair of IEEE PES Bulk Power Systems Operation Subcommittee, and the Vice-Chair of IEEE PES Risk, Reliability, and Probability Applications Subcommittee.
i-ETC will offer a number of student awards for papers/posters that are accepted and
presented at the i-ETC 2020 conference.
The first author must be a student.
Student Paper Awards
First Engineering Paper Award
(Certificate and $300)
Second Engineering Paper Award
(Certificate and $200)
Third Engineering Paper Award
(Certificate and $100)
Student Poster Awards
First Poster Award
(Certificate and $300)
Second Poster Award
(Certificate and $200)
Third Poster Award
(Certificate and $100)
Student Paper Awards
First Computing Paper Award
(Certificate and $300)
Second Computing Paper Award
(Certificate and $200)
Third Computing Paper Award
(Certificate and $100)
Student Poster/Paper Awards
ACI Paper/Poster Award
(Certificate and $200)
The award is sponsored by the American Concrete Institute (ACI: Intermountain Chapter)
Student Paper Awards
First Technology Paper Award
(Certificate and $300)
Second Technology Paper Award
(Certificate and $200)
Third Technology Paper Award
(Certificate and $100)