Adam Robertson
Co-Founder and CTO of Fortem Technologies
Abstract: Drones that Hunt Drones with AI at the Edge
Commercial drones are ubiquitous, inexpensive, and highly capable. Like any other tool, drones can be used for good or bad. The ability to detect a drone, determine if it is a safety threat, and safely mitigate a threat is a complex system of systems problem requiring a challenging blend of technologies bridging multiple engineering disciplines, machine learning, and computational science. Success requires the navigation of the complexities of the physical airspace and a the regulatory landscape.
Mr. Robertson is a devoted husband and the proud father of 8 children. He is the co-founder and CTO of Fortem Technologies where he led the early development of the groundbreaking TrueView radar and DroneHunter products. His technical areas of expertise include millimeter wave electronics, compound semi-conductors, radar system for drones, and avionics. His business areas of expertise include contract law, intellectual property, negotiation, international export, strategy, business development, and raising capital. He holds an MSEE and MBA from BYU and is the inventor on multiple patents. Mr. Robertson currently serves in the community as an elected official in the Utah House of Representatives, on the Board of the Provo City Airport, and as a High School mountain biking assistant coach.
i-ETC will offer a number of student awards for papers/posters that are accepted and
presented at the i-ETC 2020 conference.
The first author must be a student.
Student Paper Awards
First Engineering Paper Award
(Certificate and $300)
Second Engineering Paper Award
(Certificate and $200)
Third Engineering Paper Award
(Certificate and $100)
Student Poster Awards
First Poster Award
(Certificate and $300)
Second Poster Award
(Certificate and $200)
Third Poster Award
(Certificate and $100)
Student Paper Awards
First Computing Paper Award
(Certificate and $300)
Second Computing Paper Award
(Certificate and $200)
Third Computing Paper Award
(Certificate and $100)
Student Poster/Paper Awards
ACI Paper/Poster Award
(Certificate and $200)
The award is sponsored by the American Concrete Institute (ACI: Intermountain Chapter)
Student Paper Awards
First Technology Paper Award
(Certificate and $300)
Second Technology Paper Award
(Certificate and $200)
Third Technology Paper Award
(Certificate and $100)