Religious Liberty in an Age of Change
Opening Panel: Religious Liberty and the Founders
- Randall Balmer | Dartmouth College
- Vincent P. Munoz | University of Notre Dame
- Matthew J. Franck | The Witherspoon Institute
Panel: Religious Liberty Challenges in the 21st Century
- Noah Feldman | Harvard University
- Randall Balmer | Dartmouth College
- Jonathan Turley | Television legal analyst & George Washington University Professor of Law
- Mark L. Rienzi | Catholic University of America
Tuesday Keynote Address: Religion and the Free Exercise Thereof
- Governor Michael O. Leavitt
Wednesday Keynote Address: New Challenges to Religious Liberty in the Middle East
- Noah Feldman | Harvard University
Panel: America's Unofficial Religious Test
- Daniel Dreisbach | American University
- Matthew J. Franck | The Witherspoon Institute
- Jonathan Turley | Television legal analyst & George Washington University Professor of Law